Friday 1 December 2017



Asking Quality & Better Questions that could potentially transform your life - “ WHY” - “Why am I even alive what is my life purpose.” 

We often dream of an imaginary lifestyle of how life should be and will turn out, and end up being disappointed when the dream does not become a reality. 

What if -if you could start with your WHY? - This is what will define you through all the good and bad times, and still give you strength to bounce back up during times adversity 

1) I asked myself “why me” when my dad suddenly passed and I had to taken the longest flight of my life ever 

2) I asked myself “why me,” when my youngest sister suddenly became ill and my gut wrenching intuition told me to stop everything and fly yet again on the longest flight of my life. To only be with her for one day and half before she would collapse into a comma and eventually passage 

3) Before this I asked myself why of all the losses I had suffered in between of family members from cousins (who were like brothers), to an aunt, uncles and then recently granddad and most recently grandma 

3) I asked myself why me when I was first diagnosed with an under active thyroid over 10 years ago when I was at the peak of my life and most active. So much I refused to believe what my GP told me, that I decided to continue running each day to hung onto me physically and mental even though - physically o was losing the strength I once had 

4) I asked myself why last year when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after three years of suffering from numerous undiagnosed symptoms. 

All the questions I ask myself, my reason also ended up being why not me? What was so special about me to be exempted for adversities in life 

I asked myself why me again - and my answer would always be what is the lesson here I am ended to learn. If I choose to close my heart ❣ I will miss the greatest lessons in life 

What is my life purpose that is greater and beyond all the pain and grief I had suffered in my lifetime 

#LessonsLearnt again 
My heart had allowed something new in. 

I learnt to appreciate how short and very precious life was 

I began to feel grateful for the souls that had been introduced in my life to guide me - to enable me to experience life experiences with them through happiness, laughter, pain and loss 

I began to appreciate that I had be chosen to have this great opportunity for the souls laid to rest, to be part of their lives; what an honour that was to be a daughter, an older sister, a cousin/sister, niece and a granddaughter 

I continued to question my purpose: 

As life was short and I started to realise I could not take it for granted now I was alive and the souls did not have the opportunity to continue living 

I could not take life for granted and sleep through it. 

There had to be a greater purpose for me in this lifetime beyond the 9-5pm and just existing day to day without making any meaningful impact in this lifetime 

Although I was connected to working and being involved in charitable organisation most of my life (through choice) I knew there was still more I could do out there in the world 🌍 

#LifeLessons again 

I cried through my grief and heartache ❣ to the point time stood still - days, months, a year past when I hugged my sofa which became my comfort. I felt a huge disconnected from the world and the people who were going through their daily lives 

I cried for the heartache and heart space that would and could never be feel again 

I cried for the loss and death of the old me. 

Only to realise I was still here. I had always been here and never lost me and soul. Only that my soul had learnt many lessons which it was processing, accepting in order to make peace with itself 

I am now at peace with the new me, even though I continue to wake up at times feeling and believing like I am still the person I was once before the loss and ailments I have suffered to only realise -the actual reality 

My ideal lifestyle was only a dream, I had imagined to walk pain free. This new reality is teaching me much more valuable lessons anyone could ever learn in life 

Appreciate each and everyday you spend with your loved one’s for tomorrow is not promised 

See the value in life and what you as a soul can contribute it to it by being fully awake rather than just existing just for the sake of existing 

Ask yourself the most challenging questions and shut down the beautiful answers that tell you lies ( to remain as you by not challenging yourself) 

If you are like me and currently suffering from a chronic pain condition and an Invisible Illness know that your soul never left, you are still you. Choose to stay awake through all the happy and painful experiences of current being - and take from it what you can as life lessons which can help another soul through their new journey 

Inspired by Muniba Mazari CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!!!


#CfMLifestyleBiz CFM Elite Women's Business Hub @Facebook:
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My Reason Why & Life Purpose: Girl Power. Supporting girls in #Malawi to fund for their own education @MoreThanAid 

Online Home Business (Lifestyle)

#LifestyleBizTips (Video No.3)


Know, Like, Trust Factor

Learn more from my latest Facebook live video below

Chrysalis Online Courses provides online hypnotherapy, counselling, life-coaching and NLP training and courses

CfM Elite Business Women’s Club💫💫💫

📽Video 1: WELCOME LADIES💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

CfM Elite Business Women’s Club💫💫💫

I created this club as an opportunity to connect with other like minded women who are aspiring to achieve greater and grander things in their lives; through fulfilling their intended Life Purpose/Vision .

Elite Status:

I don’t know about you, but for me it means owning who you are as a person and women in this world 🌍 by staying true to your inner core.

Which comes with the development of Self-confidence, continuous life education, pursuit and execution of one’s life Vision, openness to learning and involvement in Self-Development (mindset transformation) in order to add value in other peoples lives including making an impact.

🗣🗣👋👋Do say hello and let me know where you are watching from.

Together as women and ladies we are stronger than divided. 💜

CfM Elite Women’s Club we will talk about exciting ventures such as
1. Vision/Life Planning
2. Lifestyle Business
3. What it takes to become success and to develop the Mindset of a Millionaire


To join my CfM Elite and Exclusive Women’s Club to keep up to date with Lifestyle & Online Home Business (Digital Marketing) News and New Opportunities. JOIN HERE NOW!!



I look forward to connecting with you and to getting to know much better


Monday 20 November 2017

Have you walked in her Exact Footprints 👣 and Shoes 👠



Have you walked in her Exact Footprints 👣 and Shoes 👠 

You will only get close to knowing and relating to her story 

You will get close to assuming and recommending what is best for her 

Unless if you have walked in her exact footprint and shoes you will never know exactly how she feels 

You may have heard other experiences that relate to hers 

You may have experienced ways of helping others similar to her 


There is only one of her in this world 🌎 and no one else but her 

You will never be able to walk in her exact shoes, in this lifetime 

As much we try and predict, diagnose and try to understand another human beings experience we will never truly know what it feels and to be like them 

We can offer advice, recommend remedies to help but we can heal another person unless their soul allows for it. Unless they themselves truly believe in healing themselves 

You see we ( those who try to help) are only guides in other person’s journey and do not hold any magic potions or truths to another persons experience 

What is the Moral of this Floetry? ;)
Be a guide and only a guide 
Be judgement free 
Accepting each individual, as "an individual,"  regardless of any stories, remedies there are on this planet 
See and truly see that person in front of you as an individual (and not as a collective of the masses) 

When you reach this status of deeply connecting another individual, you will truly see the soul in front of you without their entity and possibly slightly be able to walk into their own truth 

This ladies truth? 
This lady, this woman knows her own strength and what she is made of

Although, she will hear you, listen to you, will truly see you; she will ultimately accept what she truly knows to be deeply embedded in her own heart   -she knows her own truth

Her own soul which is deeply embedded in her soul will give her the answers she needs to know for that exact time in her life.” - You on the other hand can only be her guide and story teller but can never truly walk in her exact pained and strained footprint of life 

My Reason Why & Life Purpose: Girl Power. Supporting girls in #Malawi to fund for their own education @MoreThanAid 

Connect with me via the following Social Media Platforms: 

Life does not necessarily have to always be picture perfect.

Life does not necessarily always have to be picture perfect 

The challenge and strength of character comes when internal hurt and turmoil hits. 

Question is? 🤔  
▫️Do you run and keep running an endless marathon to nowhere? To only find you are still at the beginning of the race each time? 

▫️Or do you embrace the rainfalls, the waterfalls and storms of life knowing that soon IT - THE PAIN will pass. So will the moments of joy,  pure and utter absolute happiness? 

Often it is so easier reflect on the "Why Me and/or Us, Why Now and the I need a break from it all ( from the feeling of the changing tides of the weather - Life Cycles) 

The amazing life is that "ONE DOES NOT BECOME A HUMAN BEING BY LIVING A PAIN FREE LIFE." There is no hallway pass or break from it all. 

All there is the acceptance that pain and soul healing is part of the process. 

#Foodforthought: Life does not always have to always be picture perfect. Look beyond each and every body in an image and really see through them. When you do you will release they are an entity carrying a SOUL - hosting a multitude of feelings

Why Me, Why Now? 
The truth of the matter is there is never going to be a picture perfect moment and no one has an exemption/hall pass from life.  

The truth is when the good times flood in and shine brighter grab them and Cherish those moments and don't take them for granted knowing that soon blissful moments will soon pass too 

Connect with your soul often - embrace the different tides of life, be AWAKE in each moment in order to deeply learn from the experience in order to grow from it 

Give your soul the opportunity soak in all that life has to often and to cleanse itself often

Post inspired by the matriarch and Agogo of our family. 


My Reason Why & Life Purpose: Girl Power. Supporting girls in #Malawi to fund for their own education @MoreThanAid 

Connect with me via the following Social Media Platforms: 


Monday 11 September 2017

I am what a person with an INVISIBLE CHRONIC ILLNESS looks like (September is Invisible Illness Awareness Month)

Photo of Right Credit to @FibroHelpingHands


Dear Chronic Pain Warriors and Invisible Illness Survivors. 

This month and everyday,  I am celebrating your unimaginable strength and courage for being fighters in life. 

As much as we are fighters in life, you and I personally know that Invisible Illnesses come with many life lessons, personal challenges and daily battles to fight as well. 

For instance, you may have experienced the following challenging emotions, or you are currently going through these challenging right now: 

Mental Health and Well Being Challenges ( anxiety, guilty feelings for having caused the condition, depression, grief over the loss of what life used to be like) 
Physical challenges of mobility and not being able to function fully physically as you used to. Including the ability to exercise, or keep fit as much as you would like to. 

Social Isolation due to being ill and feeling poorly everyday, even though you "look well," to the external world.

Not being able to contribute in society work wise. Or you are currently working full time, because you need to do so, in order to survive financially. This only leaves you feeling even more physically and emotionally exhausted every day, with the limited ability to do much after working hours. 

✅You have fought to find all sorts of ways for cures, but to no avail as doctors tells you there is no cure. Or others tell you there is a cure and you wonder why the same cure is not working for you. 

Too many more to list 

You are not alone:
▫️Just remember that in your daily struggles you are not alone. There are communities of people out there who will understand exactly what you are going through 

I also know what it feel like to walk in your shoes everyday. 

My story:
▫️I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism over 15 years ago when I was in my peak state health wise. I was active and doing all the things, I thought were helping me to be a healthy person. 

It took a lot longer to come to terms with the diagnosis and it felt surreal. Initially, I was determined to prove Doctors wrong. In end, I   accepted my new fate and all the symptoms that come with being this condition. 

▫️Flash forward to last year I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after 3 years of being undiagnosed. I experienced mixed emotions of feeling grateful about knowing what the cause of my numerous ailments, to disbelief and also deep sadness as well. I cried for all the things I was losing. I also cried for knowing realising that I was not going to die. 

I experienced most feelings that you might have experienced, or are currently experiencing and I continue to experience some of these feelings below: 
Feelings of loss and grieving process of the old you and how life used to be

Feelings of living in surreal reality, you wake up each day believing that you are well again only to realise that is your old reality 

Adapting to a new way of normal, never feeling well although you look externally well to the world. 

Adapting to other people's judgements, misconceptions, perceptions, their own notions of what your experience might be like. You hold back or feel like screaming out loud to some individuals who lack any form of empathy or understanding, or the initiative to learn what your experience might be like. 

Lessons Learnt: 
It is better to let go off guilt and other people's perceptions. Their perceptions are just that, theirs. They have not walked in your shoes. 

Know that no one can understand the true cause of your illness more than you and there are numerous reasons why these conditions occur as researched by the experts/professionals based on other patients/individuals experiences.  Some causes are unexplained, unexpected/uncontrollable, caused by incidents, accidents, infections, misdiagnosis, the list is endless ....

Invisible conditions are definitely real, not in your head, as you and I live this experience every single day. You do not need to prove anything to anyone who does not understand. Your energy is worth gold, save it for those who will support you:) 

Only you, know you best and the journey you need to walk in life. Just remember you are not alone

Surround yourself with beautiful souls who will love you for being you and support you on new journey as well

Give yourself a break, rest when you can and need to. Pamper and treat yourself very often for you deserve it for being a warrior and a fighter each day.  

Your friend Invisible Illness warrior
Sending Gentle Hugs and Love Chiko💜💜💜

Connect with me via Facebook: LifestyleBusinessCoach
Instagam: ChikoCfm
Subcribe @Youtube: Chiko Matenda

Wednesday 15 February 2017


My mind tends to analyse all sorts of situations, the latest being the U.K. EU Referendum now globally known as BREXIT!!

I will reserve my person views for another day; on how I feel about the outcome of the EU Referendum. Instead, I would like to focus on the emotional impact the process had on most people in the U.K. Also to highlight potential opportunities rather than threats.

This could potentially be the time for millennials and young professionals especially to start considering how to maximise on their existing specialist skills. I refer to this type of response as the unleashing of innate entrepreneurship skills.  

I will expand more on what I mean by innate entrepreneurship skills.

What I have noticed so far, post the EU Referendum!
  • It is evident that the climate and atmosphere in the U.K is changing for various reasons. The current climate can only be described, as an emotional turbulent experience, which has impacted on the mass population, whether it be those who voted to Remain, or Leavers, including the innocent bystanders who were caught up in the game of tag of war between the two camps.
  • As you walk down the streets, it is apparent through observations of some individual's facial expressions how they are currently feeling. Understandably and unquestionably, most people have become sensitised and alert to potential danger. What once felt comfortable is no longer. Nearly everyone has become a suspect, unless if the individual's can associate through process of elimination; i.e. friendly gestures.  For instance, a safety pin now symbolises safety.
  • Some people have expressed, for the first time that they feel completely lost, misplaced, and isolated in a country they once felt safe to live in; where it be immigrants,  'British Citizen's and Nationals.  Visitors on the other hand, are ready to escape onto their next homebound transport, or are more hesitant to visit and would prefer to pick an alternative holiday destination.

  • People with transient tendencies (globe trotters) are already considering which country they jet set off to in order to acquire their next opportunity. For this group of individuals, emotions such as anxiety is a warm welcome. For them it defines, being alive. Driven and ambitious individual welcome anxiety as a new best friend rather than an enemy. 
Either side of the Remain and Leave camps have been emotionally impacted in one way, or another. As a result, we have been united in our own camps in experiencing some/or all of the following emotions:

Anxiety, fear, hopelessness, sadness, despair and paranoia, hysteria.... The list is endless....

It can be very easy to succumb to sadness, depression and feelings of anger. Moreover, is can be easy to become zombified, through the consumption of news from various influencing sources such as political figures, those in leadership positions, media/social media and by social environments.

It is easy to focus gravitate towards a roller coaster of emotions, or to disappear to the land of oblivion;  due to the shock of the absurdity and madness of it all.

Finding meaning and embracing the current reality despite everything that has happened:

What coping mechanisms are available in the current climate? I have considered the following options for myself:
  • Acceptance: The absurd has occurred, the future is and will always be uncertain. My analogy- Ships do sink and it may take them a while to sink. Acceptance for me, means awakening to the fact that an impact has occurred. Rather than sink with the ship,  I choose to swim and fight against the tide. Also with the understanding, that as one is floating away to unknown territory that it is expected there might adverse weather along the way. 
  • Emotions and Choice: There are options of looking at what has occurred and one can CHOOSE to feel about it. Reason being this is an unimaginable event that occurred which is beyond anyone's control. The only thing that one CAN CONTROL, in this situation is how one chooses to respond to what has occurred and is still occurring. 
I know which one I would go for in term in order to protect my well-being- FIGHT MODE!!

FLIGHT MODE!!!   Only represents-NEGATIVE ENERGY for me. For negative energy can lead to unproductive outcomes and stagnation in an endless blame game, whilst the world moves on.

I CHOOSE not to focus on this type of energy.

What do I mean by fight mode?

For me it means TAKING BACK CONTROL OF ONESELF by learning how to slowly let go off the emotional self. The self that is transfixed and glued to each negative impact!!

I appreciate it is not easy especially in the current climate to let go off emotions, during a heightened period of uncertainty. Also, it quiet understandable that more people have experienced first hand emotional and physical abuse from others, as a result more people have been emotional affected as well. So as a nation most of us are united  against any negative impacts.

It is process of cohesion in emotions, as this provides a safety measure, especially during the period of uncertainty.

The Steps I am slowing taking:
  • Daily mantra and practice: emotional healing in order to conserve positive energy. Again for me its about not losing control, to the point of having no will power to control, my destiny and function in society.
Today, I look a deep breath and let go. I imagined all the negative energy slowing being released internally and disappearing into some unknown sphere. I also imagined locking away all the negative energy in a Pandora Box; never to be opened again.

I was left with Control, Freedom and Will Power, and left go of the victimisation of the negative energy.

After being engulfed in a short and breath period of a turbulent rollers coaster now, I am the TAKING CONTROL STAGE. This is the stage I identify with as being the best opportunity for me to focus my energies elsewhere, and into being productive and productive.

I revert back, to my initial point at the beginning. Why Now Is The Best Opportunity to be an Entrepreneur. What I initially referred to as innate entrepreneurship skills:

I believe once in a while we are shaken up for a reason. Shocked into another layer of awakening to ourselves. During there experiences, as much as it is being united with similar people in turbulence matters, it is also about the self; how we deal with and respond to change. 

It is not unusual to see people following each other in the sense of HOPELESSNESS and to feel STUCK in UNCERTAINTY.

Innate Entrepreneurship skills, is being able to unleash the true self that has been dying to get out for years for someone us. The opportunity to utilise and maximise of the skills and passions we are best at.

This type of state of being, can only ultimately produce more positive energy as it also results in adding value in other people's lives.  

Just to clarify, it does not necessary mean giving up  y,our job, or career if that is something that one is interested in. It is also about learning, how one can utilise their skills to the best of their abilities, in order to help others either in their exiting environment or in another environment.

The most rewarding thing, I am told or have experienced is being able to help another human being, especially during our current climate. What I have learnt over the years, is to never take things for granted and to appreciate that I can contribute in some way. That what I have learnt education and career wise can potentially help someone else.

The skills you have right now are valuable to someone else. 

#Sharing Is Caring and a healthier way to live.

The reasons people with entrepreneurship skills thrive during periods of change, is because they accept change and choose to innovative. They plan in advance and are always new seeking opportunities including supporting people who are facing challenges. 

'What is the worst thing that could happen,' is my current motto. I also consider what is more meaningful to me right now, such as:

  • Life is only lived once (as far as I am aware, others may believe otherwise)
  • If one situation does not work, I seek an alternative solution
  • If I am unhappy, I will try as much as possible to change the situation for a better outcome. If I can't change it, it may just mean its time to move on
  • I choose my health/well-being over being miserable for life
  • I chose to gravitate towards and closer to my family, friends, people and communities which add a positive dose of energy and revitalisation. 
  • I empathise with others and expel all the negative energy which could potentially be detrimental to my health.
  • I accept the fact that material things, are of no value and can be taken away, and eventually be replaced.

To-end: Sharing Positive Energy:

I am sending some of my positive energy, to people who have been affected emotionally or physically to no fault of their own. 


  #socialchange  #Better2together #Brexit
#PositiveEnergy #SharingIsCaring #PostEUReferedum #PostEURacism #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #fibrowarriors #chronicpain #millennials #youngprofessionals