Sunday 26 April 2020

My Lessons Learnt: Experience Of Being Inflicted with Coronavirus Symptoms

In this blog post, I wanted to share with you my lessons learnt following experiencing severe Coronavirus Symptoms. This is with the hopes that by raising further awareness, so that someone's else's is much easier than mine. Also, to share a story of hope and an optimistic outlook especially during this complex and challenging time. Thankfully, we starting to see and hear more stories about people who have been able to recover and overcome the battle of being afflicted with a viral infection.

Disclaimer: The information, I am sharing is based on my personal experience and for educational purposes only. Always consult your Health Professionals for medical guidance including Emergency Services (if required). Do not wait to seek medical help if you are very concerned about your health.  Also always remember if choose to use any homely natural remedies to ensure you are well informed about the products before consuming them.

Background and Context:
In my previous blogpost I shared a detailed experience of what I went through as a result of experiencing severe coronavirus related symptoms. I was informed by an Emergency Services Doctor that my symptoms were similar to what 95% people had also reported to emergency services.

So far, my symptoms have consisted of the following:
  • Cold Symptoms, on and off chills and rising temperatures. Intolerance to cold temperatures and room temperature drinks (or anything that felt cold)
  •  Chest pain (pressure and congestion)
  • Back pain (pressure, including difficulties with deep breathing)
  • Sore throat, dry mouth and throat
  • On and off headaches and lower abdomen pain
  • Breathlessness in the chest and upper throat
It has been an up and down roller coaster ride of challenging trials and tribulations. Including moments and day's when I felts as though I was on the road to recovery. To only be hit again with the viral infection symptoms. The most challenging times have been when during the night time and colder temperatures. This is when it appears that the viral infection is most active and aggressive. 

I know understand what some people who have experienced the moderate and severe symptoms have been going through. This virus can challenge your mental and physical strength. Due to its complex and overwhelming nature. 

Health wise, I am someone whose immune system is already compromised and I also have two underlying health conditions: a chronic illness known as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue  and Hypothyroidism. Initially, I was apprehensive about the potential impact of coronavirus including whether I could withstand its storms healthwise.

MY LESSON LEARNT: Knowing what I know now, this is what I would have done proactively in the beginning to potentially minimize my symptoms from progressing into something more serious:

1. Treat initial cold symptoms more aggressively like flu symptoms. Reason being is that is it easier to become susceptible to catching the flu, or the current viral infection when your immune defense mechanism is down. It did not take long for my cold symptoms to escalate into full blown pneumonia symptoms.

Initially, I assumed my cold symptoms and eventual chest infection would go away. What I didn’t expect was the additional impacts of other symptoms, such as the severity of the breathlessness. It felt as though I was dealing with, managing and treating 5-6 symptoms all at the same time.

2. Increased natural hot water drinks, with homely remedies such as lemon with fresh ginger, vinegar, black pepper, fresh turmeric to 3-4 cups or more to keep hydrated. Also, to help boost my immune system and to fight off the cold. 

 I usually buy the above ingredients as part of my monthly shopping list for my cooking and hot water drinking routine. Unfortunately, I had become inconsistent with my routine of drinking hot water with natural root based remedies on a regular basis, prior to being inflicted with a viral infection. 

I found that drinking the above hot water remedy helped me to remain hydrated. It ease sore and dry throat symptoms.

As I was intolerant to room temperature and cold drinks the hot water remedy above helped.

3. Used Hot Water and Vicks Steaming Inhalation more regularly especially first thing in the morning and evening before temperature decreased and to minimise symptoms from escalating as a result of exposure to coldness. Other hot water inhalation mixer, I used was with hot water, vinegar, lemon, ginger, lemon. It helped to clear my nose, airways and chest pressure. 

It would have been beneficial to implement a hot water steaming routine, during the initial stages of develop cold and flu symptoms. To help clear my nose, airways and lungs. Hot Steaming has become my new normal now. I have become familiar with the nature of the beast (coronavirus) and when it's likely to be trigger and potentially become aggressive. I counteract it by being proactive earlier with hot steaming to minimise escalation of symptoms to breathlessness. 

My Malawian Grandma (on my maternal side) used this hot steaming remedy for us when we were younger, with root based ingredients to help us ease cold and flu symptoms. She also used to drink 8 glasses or warm water everyday, including eating root based ingredients raw, with plant based foods. She didn't eat much meat from what I recall. In her 80's she visited U.S. and was examined by a Dr. who informed her she was the healthiest person he had seen at her age. This is what has also motivated me to apply these natural measures so far, to help ease my symptoms. 

This virus thrives, or becomes more active and aggressive during cold temperatures. During heightened states it becomes more aggressive by triggering off chest pain, tightness, back pain and restricts airways in the throat and lungs. It escalates very quickly before you even know what is happening. 

There are some days when just regular hot steaming didn’t work. I found leaning over a boiling pan more alleviating and it seemed to provide more relief and cleared my airways. Obviously, health and safety is the highest and most essential thing to consider. I wouldn’t recommend this, but at the time I was desperate for to try anything that could ease my breathing. There are safe hot steaming products which you can purchase online via Amazon for instance. 

4. Sleep sideways more, or on your stomach. As sleeping on your back restricts airways and makes it difficult to breath. I only realized this much later after I watched a video on Youtube from a Health Professional who recommended this. I have watched other videos from Health Professionals on Youtube and Co to help me learn more about natural treatments, prevention measures and how to treat pneumonia and breathlessness. Reason being is I can’t take paracetamol (react adversely to it), so I have had to be creative in how I manage and minimize my viral infection symptoms.

5. Other remedy I used:
Echinacea - a traditional herbal cold remedy which reduces the severity and duration of colds. I took drops of this helped ease sore throat and clear the airways a little bit. 

What I have learnt from this viral infection is that you will end up experimenting with different treatments (including professional health input) to find out what works best. What your body is responsive to or not. As I highlighted earlier, it feels as though you are treating numerous symptoms. Also for the fact that there is no known vaccine or cure to date.

5. Keep Warm to protect your chest: Wearing layers of clothes, blankets, a cloth or scarf to protect your chest all the times helps to minimise aggravation of symptoms. Minimal exposure of the chest to the cold, even if you feel hot can exacerbate chest pain, pressure and breathlessness issues. I folded a mini blanket and placed it underneath my top to protect myself and to keep my chest warm at all times. Use vicks and any other homely remedies for your chest. 

Early evenings appear to the worst and when the viral attacks are aggressive.  Morning time, I would usually wake up with moderate and manageable symptoms. In the afternoon, if the temperature outside was warmer, my symptoms would ease until early evening. 

This is where regular hot water steaming throughout the day (with natural remedies) helps to have at least a good night’s sleeps. During my trials and tribulations, I also came across hot water steaming products on Amazon. Unfortunately, at the time when I was searching for products they were sold out, or held on a waiting list for several weeks.

OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK BEYOND FEAR AND DOUBT: Beyond thinking of the worst that could happen.

1.    You get used to a daily routine, when you start to understand the beast and its patterns. I started to get used to daily routine of how I could minimize the potential adverse attacks of this beast. I wanted to fight and to not be vulnerable or feel defenseless to it. Since I didn’t know how much or how far it could push me. I didn’t know physically what I could be withstand, as feeling breathless and attacked can leave you feeling helpless.

For instance, I used to get early initial warning signs of the chest starting to tighten up or a sharp shooting pain, this is when you don’t want to wait until symptoms become aggressive to breathlessness. Use hot steaming regularly until symptoms clear. Until you feel like your body is starting to relax. Implementing this method, alleviated my symptoms.

Medical Guidance and Advice: You also want to ensure at each stage that you are in regular contact with Medical Professionals and do not leave anything to last minute. Also do keep in mind that Hot Steaming Remedies may not work for everyone, it's best to find out from your medical health care professional if it is okay to apply this method; especially if you have a complex medical health condition. 

2.    Somedays you feel like you have recovered which may not be accurate. Continue with homely remedies, which you feel are helping to include any medical guidance you have received from your Health Practitioner. For some people with minor symptoms it takes between 7-10 days to start feeling better. Unfortunately, as I was inflicted with pneumonia it is taking much longer for my symptoms to clear. Fortunately, I have not been coughing repetitively or had consistent high temperatures.

4.    Avoid stress, listen to motivational and inspirational information to help you to remain calm. As this virus does test your mental and physical ability. In the moment of experiencing the attacks you feel powerless.

5.    Mentally when you have the ability Healthwise to manage independently, you start to realize that the attacks will soon pass, and you have the willpower to fight every day. Do not get me wrong, in the moments you still feel like it's never going to end, but it does, and you come through it. Do not let is escalate to the point where you feel very powerless, do everything you can minimize it was escalating. This includes contacting your Health Professional services if you are concerned for further guidance. 

6.    Regular daily deep breathing exercises helps lung function. I medicate, do Yoga on alternative days. I also do deep breathing through the hot steam routines just to ensure that body feel relaxed.

7.    Exercise regularly, helps with lungs and improve in breathing. I found exercise helped to also keep me mentally positive and to see as though I could fight though the toughest challenges.

8.    Drink and eat healthy food and drinks especially warmer or hot foods/drinks during the time you are feeling unwell.

I am continuing to fight through with remaining symptoms, I still have good and bad days. I am in my 4th week and part of me felt as though I had fully recovered. Unfortunately, that has not been the case as soon as the temperatures decreased, I was back again to having a sore throat, chest pain, pressure and milder symptoms of breathlessness. I am holding to an optimistic outlook that the worse it potentially over and will continue to fight through until I am fully well again.

Tomorrow is not promised. I can only focus on doing the ultimate best of what I can do today. I hope you are too and continuing to remain safe.  

The best advice that an Emergency Doctor gave me was to have faith, hope and belief that I would be well again and not to think the worst. To believe that I was going to be well and that I would recover. I would like to leave you with the same message.

To end, please note that what I shared is only for information and educational purposes only based on my own personal experience. There are no cures at the moment, the homely remedies, I used were intended to help alleviate my symptoms. Always ensure you are well informed about any homely remedies prior to taking them and with consultation and guidance from Health Professionals.  

Thank you to all the Health Professional 
and Frontline Key Workers, without you. Including Health Professionals who have been involved my direct Health Care and Well Being. 

You can also connect with me via Instagram Click Here

Wednesday 1 April 2020


Natural Health, Organic and Beauty Products by Natures Healthbox

Disclaimer: This blog post is based on my personal experience in the U.K. I am not a Specialist Medical Professional. Please consult your Local Health Medical Practitioner & Emergency Guidance including the World Health Organization (WHO) guidance. I did what personally worked for me including following my Hospital Consultant and General Practitioner Service, medical guidance. I am sharing for educational purposes, to raise further awareness and as a lesson learnt process. Lastly, also as an opportunity to connect with people who may have experienced similar symptoms as mine. 

"You have to believe you will be okay, you will recover and 
must try not think the worst" 
Emergency NHS Medical Doctor 

On 27th March 2020, I started frantically calling the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) number 111, which resulted in me being connected to 999 Emergency Services. After nearly 8-9 days of trials and tribulations of attempting to cure myself through homely remedies, including following General Practitioner (GP) advice and NHS 111 Medical Guidance. I progressively started feeling worse within a short space of time from mild cold/flu symptoms to moderate/high persistent breathlessness, chest pain, chest pressures and congestion symptoms.

Although, I maintained mental and physical calmness during my ordeal, I was becoming exhausted by self-medicalizing and trying to control my own symptoms, which appeared to become progressively worse each day. I was becoming slightly mentally and physically exhausted with having to cope independently without specialist medical input through the attacks and in overcoming the periods of breathlessness.  Thankfully prior to the calling 111, by the divine intervention of the universe, I was encouraged by my brothers in Canada to go hospital, consequently their words prompted me to contact 999. I had reached the stage of requiring emergency guidance before my symptoms became potentially worse.

Furthermore, I was self-diagnosing based on past experiences of suffering with similar pneumonia and bronchitis ailments. Also reacting more emotively based on hearing dire and deadly global corona virus pandemic news. Instinctively, I feared being breathless more than any other symptoms and the impact the viral infection was having on lungs. I chose not to prolonged matters with family input by waiting until last minute, when my condition could have potentially been more of a high-risk emergency incident.


In the back of my mind I suspected corona virus could be reason of my symptoms but chose to hang onto an optimistic outlook rather than overly panic. I was also conflicted by NHS and World Health Organisation Guidance, in terms of whether my symptoms were associated with the corona virus or something else such as a chest infection.

According to the WHO, “The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention.”

  • Upper chest pain with sensations of persistent pain, pressure and congestion. At times wheezing and sensations of feeling like the air in my throat was closing in.
  • Back pressure contributing to breathlessness, pressure, pain and as though I was being deprived of oxygen. 
  • Sore throat, dry mouth, dry lips and minor coughing, sneezing. 
  •  The viral infection triggered Fibromyalgia flare up symptoms such as numbness sensations in my hands and legs and feeling of loss of circulation. Including fiery sensations musculoskeletal chronic pain sensations and brain fog (includes cognitive issues such as limited concentration levels and headaches). 
  • Intolerance to exposure to cold temperatures, including drinks and food.  

Medically, my symptoms are not seen as being severe nor fall into the NHS category of high-risk person with a persistent unbearable cough with high temperatures.

According to 111 NHS Guidance these are the symptoms that we need to look out for in the U.K. which are related to the coronavirus.
  • “Do you have a new continuous cough?
  • New: means a cough that you've not had before, or if you usually have a cough, it's got worse.
  • Continuous: means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours.”
As a personal experience, it felt like a survival game of endurance in being able to overcome viral infection attacks thrown my way. 
  • The viral chest infection feels like an attack on my lungs and chest. A pressure as though something is pushing against my chest, filling up my lungs and restricting my breathing. If felt as though something was trying to test how long my immune defense mechanism can cope being afflicted before it stopped.
  • It felt as though being tested for mentally patience, calmness and tolerance.  Also, physically to see if my body could cope and persevere through it before it attacks again.
  • The most heightened stages of these attacks are early evening hours, during the night and early morning. During the day, I was able to still manage some of my daily living tasks. I had already adapted a slower pace lifestyle as a result of living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for the past four years.
Therefore, as a result of pre-existing underlying condition, was not able to distinguish whether aches, pains, tiredness symptoms where related to Corona Virus or Fibromyalgia.

Over two weeks ago, I started experiencing minor seasonal cold/flu symptoms followed by chills. I brushed off the symptoms as something that would eventually go away. At this stage, I was not coughing repeatedly, or presenting with high temperatures. I was presenting with low to moderate temperatures, until recently where I’ve had on and off episodes of high temperatures. Mind you, this was based on a gaussmeter of checking how hot my chest and back was (NHS Guidance). I have been waiting for over three weeks for my thermometer delivery order to arrive due to shortages.

Up to this point, I was self-assessing and medicalizing at home and trying not to think the worst.  I have been completing my NHS GP Service online self-assessment forms for my own sanity and medical history records. Also, as a means for GP Health Professionals to keep track of my health progress.  

I decided to be proactive and take matters into my own hands, rather than wait and be left out when the U.K. Government starts testing the general public. Currently, testing in the U.K. is limited to patients in Hospital, Health Professionals and some Dignitaries. 


I started to keep my distance and be mindful of crowds prior to developing a minor cold. As, I knew that I could potentially be compromised due to my weakened immune system. I also didn’t want to sit around until the viral infection hit me, to find out what impact (if any) it would have on my underlying conditions of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigues and Hypothyroidism.

I was in full-self lockdown mode, just a day or two before I started to develop cold symptoms. I made my last trip to the post-office, pharmacy and supermarket over 16 days ago. During that time, I was also surprised that the most business owners had not implemented physical distancing in their shops. As much as, I tried to keep myself safe, it was becoming increasingly harder to maneuver around people who seemed oblivious to potential risks of being close. The only person, that I could control was me by taking myself out of the social community equation. 

Initially, we were informed by U.K. Government to wash our hands regularly and to be mindful of surfaces. So, most of us carried on, with our social habits, as though there no pending high-risk health concerns.

If we washed our hands and were being mindful of surfaces and refrained from shaking hands, we would be mimimise risk of exposure. 
Initial U.K. Health Guidance

The other reason, I chose to start implementing physical distancing at the time was due to the lack of clarity about the potential impact of the viral infection on people with underlying chronic illness health conditions such as mine including weak immune systems. 
I didn’t need to sit around to test out whether I could survive this virus, or not (herd immunity). I already knew based on previous experiences of affected by seasonal colds and flu's that it took me longer to recover. More so, after being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. You can refer to my previous blog post here of my concerns for people living with chronic illnesses. 


I am now on day 15-16 since experiencing my initial symptoms. I am starting to lose count of how many day's I've been in self-isolation as every day has started to look and feel the same. Yesterday, I started to feeling as though I  had recovered, which turned out to not be the case during the night. During the night, I started to develop familiar symptoms of persistent breathing issues until early morning hours. I continue to still experience uncomfortable minor breathing issues, which have woken me up from sleep and kept me awake. 

Initially, I thought my chest infection would clear within 7-10 days, but that hasn't been the case. I didn't expect to experience unbearable prolonged periods of breathlessness, with at times seemed to occur instantaneously. Nor being woken up during sleep from wheezing as though my wind wipes were closing in. 

The symptoms have also been confusing at, as I have felt as though I recovering and well a few times. Only to start feeling adverse impacts later in the evening until early morning hours. I have now become accustomed to the symptoms patterns and time frame of potential attacks, which usually start off as minor before quickly escalating, into a full-blown unbearable experience. 

My homely remedies consisted so far have consistent of the following routines:
  • Hot water steaming with Vicks Rub to clear my airways/lungs (early morning and evening time, including regular intervals during the day if required). 
  • Drinking Hot/Warm water at regular intervals to maintain hydration; usually mixed with fresh ginger, lemon and vinegar. Occasionally, I drink lukewarm soda water with lemon.
  • I have also been mindful to maintain healthy nutrition and eliminated alcohol intake. Mainly sticking with warm or hot foods for now.
  • Implementing breathing exercises and Yoga/Pilates, via YouTube videos to maintain calmness through the storm.
  • Ordered a Salbutamol Inhaler to alleviate wheezing and breathlessness. I have used inhalers in the past. 
  • Advised by my GP Health Professional to take Paracetamol:  Initially, I uncertain about taking Paracetamol due to Hospital Consultation Guidance (re: Fibromyalgia Management). I refrained from taking it, including Anti-Inflammatory Painkillers. I started taking paracetamol days before, I rung 999 out of panic and feeling hopeless in being able to alleviate my symptoms. Prior to this, I had taken 1-2 antibiotics as a last result (previous prescription for similar severe chest infection relation symptoms), which I found in my medication box. I prefer to refrain from taking antibiotics to protect my immune system, as much as possible. 
  • Prior to the pandemic impacting us in the U.K, I started searching online for additional supplements, homeopathy medication (homely remedies) in advance preparation of the eventual impact of the deadly virus afflicting us. 
As far as I am currently aware, there is no definitive solution to curing this current viral infection. Aside from alleviating symptoms, in order for the immune system to fight the viral infection off on its own.  

There hasn’t been an equal number of good news on how many people are managing to recover and fight through their viral infections. I have yet to come across people who have experienced similar chest pain symptoms.

By now you might be wondering why I didn't into hospital?
If you are in the U.K., you will know why. If you are not, the current situation is that we can no longer go to the hospital, or our local GP Services. We must follow a triage system and process, which includes contacting our GP services, or 111-service (out of hours) followed by contacting 999 for emergencies only. 


I fortunately managed to get to speak to a 999 Emergency Doctor, who informed me that, I was presenting with symptoms (breathlessness, chest pain, congestion and other symptoms) which were similar to 95% of people in the U.K who have reported their health concerns during to emergency services. 

I was relieved at the same time to know what was causing me to feel so ill at the same time reality began to sick in. I become emotional and started to cry. 

 I cried in order to let go, let be and to come to acceptance of what is.I cried because he was there at my most vulnerable moment and was being empathic. For the first time, I felt the enormous distance between me and my immediate family who are  in U.S. and Canada. 
I cried not because I thought the worst, or about dying. 
I cried because, I needed a moment to simply cry and cleanse my soul for the first time ever since this surreal and life challenging pandemic started to cause its global affliction.
 “You have to believe you will be okay and that you will recover and not think the worst. You have to remain calm due to your Fibromyalgia as you don't want your symptoms to flare up.” These were the reassuring words from the Emergency Services Health Professional during the call. 
He was compassionate and empathetic. He took his time to listen to me and to understand my symptoms and to also calm some of my anxieties (which stemmed from fear of the unknown). He understood my Fibromyalgia Flare Symptoms without me needing to explain, which I didn't even suspect at the time. Such as numbness and feelings of deprivation of air circulation in my arms and legs, which I thought where to do with my chest infection and/or coronavirus.

He waited to ensure that I had taken paracetamol during the phone call. He patiently and  repeatedly informed me of the adverse symptoms which, I needed to look out for and what to do if I could no longer manage being at home. At this stage, I was also experiencing brain fog, which at times makes it harder for me to retain or remember detailed information during conversations. 

He also told me honestly, the stark reality of hospitals being at full capacity, including how medical professionals were prioritizing high risk patients. Also, that it would be better for me to remain at home, rather than potentially becoming sicker in hospital, or infect others.

To be quite honest the last place, I wanted to be was in the hospital. All, I could imagine was sitting in a crowded emergency room for endless hours. I also needed to keep warm to protect my chest infection and minimize Fibromyalgia flare up due to intolerance to the cold.

For the first time his explanation made sense to me. Prior to this, I felt as though the national government message had not been very clear or simple enough. If someone had explained it to me in the basic terms the Emergency Doctor had explained it to me, I wouldn’t have entertained thinking the worst of what could potentially happen.

1.    There is no cure or vaccine yet for this viral infection.
2.    The hospital staff are not doing anything different from what a person who is well enough to cope with their symptoms is doing at home. Such as meeting nutrition needs, medication treatment and care needs of those who need it most. With the exception of the ventilation medical care they are providing for those at high risk and unable to control their breathing on their own. 
3.   If you can manage your own health and well-being even though unbearable than usual symptoms. Such as being able to clear/alleviate your airways and other symptoms, it is better to remain at home than to go into hospital
4.    My understanding now also is that people who have additional complex conditions, can also be supported with easing and managing their pre-existing conditions. 
6.    My GP Service Doctor has informed me that there are some people who start to show signs of improvement after 4-5 days of experience the worst symptoms. 

For the first time ever, I am much calmer about my future prospects in being able to
battle through this viral infection more than before. Even though there is still 
uncertainty about the future and including impact the viral infection has on our internal

Although I am not fully recovered yet, I have choosing to hang onto an optimistic outlook and to focus on what I can control. I am choosing to believe in hope and the possibility of  a full recovery. 

Had I not experienced being afflicted with a chronic illness prior to this viral pandemic; I may have had a different outlook and thought the worst would happen. I may not have been as calm and optimistic as I have been (even though I've experienced moments of slight fear these moments haven't been long lasting). 

Being afflicted with a chronic illness has opened me up to so many life and death existential life lessons, including the importance of slowing down, calming down, being grateful and being mindful of my overall well-being. The importance of being in tune mentally and physically with what’s going on with my chronic illness symptoms (so that they don't escalate). When you are confronted with life changing news about your own mortality, life going forward and your perspective changes. 

Lastly, I would also like to emphasize that I have not been tested yet. I have only been informed that I am presenting similar coronavirus symptoms based on what 95% 
people have reported so far. Regardless of whether I have the symptoms or not, I am choosing to hold onto hope. I am choosing to continue focusing on listening to positive information; and to embrace fun things including mindless scrolling through Social Media and watching Netflix. 

Laughter is the best natural medicine

I am not closing my eyes to the absurdity of life and the grave global challenge we are currently being confronted by. It is a very saddening and devastating reality, which is awakening most of us to the fact that we are not invisible to life adversities. I was prepared mentally of potentially being impacted by this viral infection. So, when it did finally impact me, I was not overly fearful. 

As an Existentialist, I am choosing to live life in the now, for today and nothing moreTomorrow is never promised. I am choosing to not focus on external forces, that I cannot control and to focus on creatively what I can control.

To end, I hope somehow that by sharing my personal journey, you can relate on some level. If you are in self-isolation and practicing social distancing, I hope you are focusing on feeding your soul, mind and body with feel good factor things, which will continue to service you well and help you mentally and physically.

This too shall soon eventually pass.
Stay Safe 

  • If you have been impacted and are experiencing symptoms, I wish you a speedy recovery and overall well-being. I wish for everyone to continue to remain safe as this viral infection is no joke and I would not wish anyone to experience what and so many other people globally have experienced so far. 
  • Many thanks to all Health Care and Frontline Key Worker Heroes for your best efforts in meeting essential needs of many people, under extraordinary and very challenging circumstances.
  • I cannot thank my family and friends enough, including the positive and optimistic social media network of Creative Entrepreneurs which I belong to. 
  •  Lastly, I would like to acknowledge families and people that have unexpectedly and tragically lost a loved due to this deadly virus. I cannot begin to image what you must be going through. May the souls who have passed on, rest in eternal in peace. 
  • What is your experience? How are you managing through this surreal experience of the pandemic?
  •  Have you been experiencing similar symptoms I have been experiencing, especially those associated with chest pain, pressure/congestion and breathlessness? I would like to hear what your experience has been life.
Feel free to connect with me via my Social Media Accounts:
Tiktok: @chikomatenda
YouTube: Chiko Matenda