Friday 13 October 2023

Brain Fog Living It's Best Life & Season Without Me | Fall Season

Brain Fog is undeniably one of the most formidable symptoms when navigating the complexities of a chronic illness like Fibromyalgia, particularly since it can be triggered by shifts in weather. The fall season, with its wet, foggy, and overcast conditions, seems to offer the ideal environment for Brain Fog to thrive. One of the most arduous challenges lies in the powerlessness to prevent or treat these symptoms. The only recourse is to endure the crippling and disabling effects of Brain Fog.

There's no magic cure or pill for alleviating the symptoms of brain fog. It's not something one can simply sleep off and wake up feeling reenergized and ready to conquer the world again.

Brain fog disrupts daily activities, as it hinders both mental and physical functionality. Often, the only recourse is to rest and wait it out.

Ongoing migraines, impaired cognition, vision problems, and chronic fatigue are just a few of the symptoms of brain fog. These are only a fraction of the overall symptoms experienced by those with living with Fibromyalgia.

As we enter the fall season of 2023, brain fog has chosen to thrive, seemingly without me. I find myself watching from the sidelines of my own life, envisioning an energetic version of myself engaged in tasks that my body and mind won't currently allow. I'm compelled to lay still, to slow down, and to reconnect with my inner self. Left with no choice, I embrace the beauty of Mother Nature as she graces my balcony window with rain, sharing her soul's desires through thunder.

Thursday 12 October 2023

Her Soul Departed Before The Passage of Time

She adorned this world with her angelic beauty and chose to depart before the passage of time could mar her grace. Her presence, beauty, and extraordinary spiritual radiance were ethereal, transcending her earthly years. Her voice possessed a gentle, melodic quality that effortlessly captured attention without the need for raised tones. 

Although she spoke softly, every word she uttered demanded your full attention. Her infectious laughter and playful demeanor had the magical ability to melt hearts and spread happiness. 

Her soul depart this earth prematurely, as if it were an integral part of her calling and destiny. During her time, she wholeheartedly dedicated herself, using her golden heart and unyielding desire to assist those in need. 

She had so much to offer this world, yet she departed before the world truly discovered the immense depth of her heart. Her presence carried a lesson for us, through we didn't we didn't grasp it immediately; we learned it in the most unexpected, gut-wrenching, and heartbreaking way. 

She lived with a heavy diseased heart, an invisible chronic illness that eluded our awareness at the time, slowly eroding her essence. She departed prematurely because her heart was too magnificent to be confined to this world. 

She lived every moment through her unwavering faith, believing in something greater beyond herself.

Even in the final moments, her presence gave no hint of fear. Her only hesitation lay in closing her eyes, knowing that she might not awaken again.

She departed this world before her time, understanding that her vision and mission was fulfilled. 

Her departure left me with a profound lesson, one I couldn't immediately acknowledge or come to terms with. How does one embrace the painful reality of death as lesson? 

She left me a crucial teaching, which was to recognize that Cardiomyopathy is an invisible chronic illness that can reside within a loved one's heart without detection. It is a chronic heart condition and unseen severe ailment that can abruptly and unexpectedly claim a loved one's soul. 

On your 27th day of your birth, may your beautiful and spiritual soul continue resting in eternal, Mon Petit Ange Lo Lo. Love you a lifetime plus infinity. 

Dedicated to my baby sister Lorraine Matenda, October 12, 2023