Sunday 4 March 2012

MILLION WOMEN RISE (3rd March 2012) & INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY (8th March 2012)

Million Women Rise march against domestic violence - London
Media Summary
Hundreds of women marched through Central London to a rally in Trafalgar Square. The march was organised by the group Million Women Rise and is an annual women-only march in protest of male violence against women and children

8th March Women's Organisation
"The Separation of Religion from the State and the overthrow of the Anti-Woman Islamic Regime in Iran is in the First Step toward Women's Emancipation!

March 8 is on its way. Heartbeats intensify, and our sights are set on the struggle of our sisters all around the world, to join together, hand in hand, for a world free of gender oppression

For yet another year, we followed, day by day and moment by moment, the struggle of women all around the world. We became furious with the attacks of women in Tahrir Square, those brave women who refused to be kept out of the struggle in Egypt. With women protesting in Wall Street, we women challenged the defenders of 'Democracy and the World Capitalist Order.' In Libya we women cried out that we don't need Sharia laws. We women in Greece poured into the streets and shook the 'United and Free' European order, and we women in the US are fighting for aborting rights and against pornography and patriarchy. ...

Let us join together to celebrate International Women's Day on a  massive scale, with pride and joy, with our struggles focused against patriarchal order that rules the world"

Sick of Sexism, discrimination and cuts?
It doesn't have to be like this!

Since 2011, we women have been on the march again to defend our jobs, benefits, pensions and vital public services, which are under attack. We gained legal rights to equal pay and against sex discrimination through past campaigns and struggles in the workplace. Yet the gender pay gap remains ad is widening as public sector workers' wages have frozen. Two thirds of workers in public  services are women and will bear the brunt of the job cuts.

Young women are on the frontline of the fight against the increase in tuition fees and abolition of EMA. Half off graduates are currently women but many, especially mature students, will now be put off higher eduction, asking themselves if it is worth a lifetime of debt, as the chances o a job at the end are diminishing. 20% of graduates were out of work last year (Labour Force Survey. The situation will get worse as jobs in the public sector- social work, eduction, local government and health- where the majority of women graduates found work in the past, are cut to the bone.