Saturday 13 February 2016


Blink again and it will be 2017  

I am not one to create new years resolutions. Are you?

Rather I try as much as possible to live each day by maximising on my true potential 

Each day, mind you comes with its on challenges, but that's what makes life exciting 

I will admit that one of the things I never did, but now do is keep A MUST DO list . Mainly a list of things that I need to achieve on a daily, weekly or monthly basis

"My mind does not function well with lists ,"(that's what I used to tell myself), 

I used to jot a list of things down once, that I wanted to achieve in journal. Close the journal and retain my to do list in my mind. I am more of a visual person, once I write something I tend to remember things visually and tick the list off mentally one by one ....

The only downside to my old habits was not be able to creat a consistent path to achieving my goals much faster.  Also I would at times become overwhelmed by goals I needed to achieve. 

So overwhelmed that I ended up doing nothing and watched each day passby 

My current routine: 
Flip charts, visual boards (my favourite), calendars, reminders. .. the works,  I have gone all out

The moment I walk into my creative space in my home, I have confronted with my goals starring straight at me at me (visual boards). I hold myself accountable

What I have learnt this past year: 
  • One of the key things I learnt this year is that people live in a box the majority of their life and die in a box. We are attuned to living other people's lives whether it be via watching, 'celebs' on TV, Friends on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, the list could go on..
  • the saddest thing is that people leave this world with all their talents and life’s passions  buried away forever never to be retrieved again. 
  • I have learnt that it is a must to follow one’s PASSION in life… rather than waiting for opportunities to come knocking at one's door. To take a moment to reflect on what makes you happy in life, what you define as your PASSION in life!!! Once you know what your passion in life is, creativity will flow freely

 I have learnt that we each have a special message to share with the world.  Wouldn't  it be rather unfortunate not share who we are, what our skills and talents are?  

There is always someone at least one or more individuals who could benefit from us, sharing our skills. We could potentially be helping someone to become unstuck in their life. 

By not sharing we are depriving others the opportunity to ease their burdens.

What you have learnt so far in life is of value and sufficient enough to help someone else …. 

There is no such thing as being perfect, for we learn through mistakes in order to create something great 

Most of us carry our key skills in everyday life, and do it through autopilot without even realising how much we are contributing in other people’s lives

Now just imagine if you could fine tune your key magic skills right now. Imagine how many people you could help?  

This is the key to life, actualising one’s potential by doing so, you help others along the way

To end,  I write because I chose a few years ago unknowingly, to not live life in a box. I chose not to sit back and admire only how well others were doing 

I continue to learn each day and challenge myself, knowing at times I crave to be lazy; when those moments creep in I allow myself to be.. then I dive back again to excelling into living.

I would say it does not come easy, especially like me if you have experienced various extraordinary challenges in life. The extraordinary experiences become my fuel and drive to value and appreciate what I have got now. To do better and not take life for  granted 

Finally, there is no such thing as someone being more intelligent in a skill  

It is only through consistent practice, dedication, drive and through fine tuning of our intuition/life passions that we become knowledgeable and intelligent. We become part of the inner circle of MASTERMINDS

It is better to be surrounded by people who will positively encourage you to pursue your dreams. People who share similar passions in life, so when the tough gets going, you are able to tap into their energy to keep you going 

I have learnt to continuously surround myself with achievers- people who have actualised their true potential and living their lives they way they wish to live 

Here is to you and to actualising your life's passions in 2016 and beyond