Monday 17 August 2020

Can Adversity Be A Gift? Unveiling Life's Challenges

How can adversity be considered a gift when it's brings emotional turbulence and disrupts our daily lives? How can one be grateful for something that seems like a cruel and unfair twist of fate? 

It's challenging to accept adversity as a gift, especially when you're in the midst of emotional pain and heartache. As an outsider, it might be easier to offer words of wisdom like "be strong," and expect a quick return to "reality." However, I won't downplay the difficulty, as I deeply empathize with the profound impact of life adversities. 

Dealing with life's challenging adversities isn't a quick fix. It's a process that takes time and involves growing through painful and stressful experiences. While some may appear to have overcome on the surface, behind closed doors, the reality may be different. Ultimately, facing adversity means dealing with ourselves and confronting internal struggles. 

There's no instant healing button for life's challenges. We must navigate through the rawness of existential crisis such as emotions, pain, and anguish that adversity brings. It's a journey that exposes vulnerability, testing us in our weakest moments and catching us off guard when we least expect. Adversity challenges us precisely when we're unprepared pushing us to confront and grow through our most vulnerable moments.

Lessons Learnt from Adversity:

Experiencing or being affected by adversity is undoubtedly challenging, taking a toll on our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. In the midst of adversity, its often hard to envision an escape or an end to the struggle. 

The emotional journey through adversity can be draining, leaving a person emotionally exhausted. Feelings of loss of hope, anger, and fear, among others, may overwhelm, making it seems like life is an unrelenting assault. This feeling is especially poignant when life takes an unexpected turn just when things seemed to be going well well. 

Navigating Adversity: 

  • Emotional Exhaustion: Adversity can lead to a profound sense of emotional exhaustion, where every challenge feels like an additional burden. 
  • Loss of Hope: The prolonged nature of adversity can erode hope, making it challenging to see a way out of difficult circumstances. 
  • Anger and Fear: The emotional impact includes heightened feelings of anger and fear, adding to the complexity of the adversity experience.
  • Feeling Singled out: Adversity may create a sense of isolation, as if you're being unfairly singled out by life's challenges. 
  • Unfairness of Life: Sudden disruptions can evoke a deep sense of unfairness, especially when it feels like life was finally on the right track. 

The Path Forward:

  • Resilience Building: While adversity is touch, navigating through it can build resilience, imparting strength to face future challenges. 
  • Perspective Shift: Overcoming adversity often involves a shift in perspective, allowing you to find meaning and growth in the face of difficulties. 
  • Community Support: Seek support from friends, family, or a community to share the emotional burden and find strength in collective understanding. 
  • Acknowledging Emotions: Recognize and acknowledge the range of emotions stirred by adversity, create a foundation a foundation for healing. 
In the midst of adversity, the journey may seem arduous, but acknowledging the emotional landscape and seeking support can pave the way for growth and resilience. 

Where There is a Mindset, Will Power, There is Always a Way? 

1. Inevitability of Adversity: 
  • Adversity is an inherent part of life, a universal experience that manifests in diverse forms and intensities for everyone. During our lifetime, we will all experience adversity in different forms, shapes and levels of experience. 
2. Power Amid Powerlessness: 
  • Despite the overwhelming nature of adversity, resist letting it dominate your mindset. Even in moments of apparent defeat, recognize your inherent courage and the enduring willpower that will guide you through.
3. Acceptance of Life Challenges: 
  • The journey of overcoming adversity begins with accepting the realities of life. Acknowledge that challenges are an integral aspect of the human experience. 
4. Learning from Adversity: 
  • When adversity strikes, embrace it as an opportunity for growth. With time, reflect on the lessons embedded in the challenges you face, understanding that each trial carries valuable insights.
5. Victory Through Mindset and Will Power: 
  • The key to triumph over adversity lies in maintaining control over your mindset and willpower. Your mental fortitude empowers you to persevere physically, allowing you to emerge victorious against all odds. 
In navigating the complex terrain of adversity, your mindset and willpower become indispensable tools, guiding you towards resilience, growth, and ultimate triumph. 

"Looking back, adversity always leaves footprints."

In times of adversity, take heed of those who navigate the landscape of your challenges: 

  1. Family and Friends: Value those who stand by you through life's storms and sunshine. True companions are the ones who weather adversity with you, offering unwavering support.
  2. Selective Presence: Be mindful of those who seem to vanish when adversity strikes, especially those who only appear in moments of joy. True connections extend beyond happiness and encompass shared burdens.
  3. Unexpected Guides: Acknowledge the silent or vocal individuals who emerge during your darkest hours. Whether known or unknown, these guides play a pivotal role in helping you overcome challenges and move forward when you least anticipate their presence.

As you reflect on the footprints left by adversity, discerning these roles will deepen your understanding of relationships, resilience, and the intricate dynamics of life's journey.

Lessons Learned: Pay Close Attention to the Footprints of Adversity

Facing adversity is a demanding and emotionally draining aspect of life, but it carries invaluable lessons. Acknowledge the following insights from my personal journey:

Real Pain is Valid: Acknowledge and validate your pain during adversity; it's an authentic experience. Don't negate the emotional toll, and allow yourself the necessary time for healing.

Mental Resilience Through Self-Development: Develop mental resilience through self-development to navigate adversity. Your ability to move forward stems from nurturing inner strength, allowing progress one day at a time.

Mindset Over Adversity: Recognize your wisdom and courage surpass the challenges you face. Even when circumstances seem beyond control, will your mindset to triumph over adversity. Refuse to let it win.

Personal Journey Through Adversity:

Childhood Comfort from a Stranger: Amid chaos as a child, a stranger appeared with an aura of light and courage. Their comforting presence during a tumultuous school event left a lasting impact.

Monk's Unspoken Comfort: Exhausted emotionally, a chance encounter with a monk at a gas station in South Africa provided unexpected solace. His presence eased internal pain and offered a moment of respite.

Solace in the Quran: Seeking solace in a hospital prayer room, I found peace in the Quran. Despite not being religious, the words provided a sense of calmness during challenging times.

Yoga and Meditation for Calmness: Amid adversity, activities like yoga and meditation became crucial for calming internal turmoil. They anchored me in the present, especially during my sister's medical struggles.

Fibromyalgia's Wake-Up Call: The diagnosis of Fibromyalgia brought mortality into focus, prompting a determined fight against mental and physical anguish. It reframed life's meaning and resilience.

Combatting Coronavirus Adversity: Overcoming coronavirus challenges involved mental resilience. Running on the spot became a symbolic act of fighting back, refusing to let adversity dictate the outcome.

People in Adversity:

Compassionate Strangers and Loved Ones: People, both strangers and loved ones, showed compassion, empathy, and understanding during times of adversity.

Lessons from Dark Auras: Adversity also tested me through encounters with individuals lacking care and empathy. These experiences clarified my boundaries and standards for tolerable behavior.

Conclusion: Adversity's Footprints: Adversity manifests in various forms, introducing different levels of pain. Reflecting on my journey, I've learned that people and circumstances often appear during dark hours to ease our path forward. Life's challenges persist, but the choice lies in letting adversity consume or mentally fighting back. The journey involves learning, growing, and maintaining the resilience to actively seek solutions.


  1. The School of Life - Resilience Cards - Find Confidence in The Face of Adversity by the School of Life. 
  2. The Inside Track: An Inspirational Guide to Conquering Adversity 
  3. Audible Audiobook – Unabridged by Peter Sage 

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    Thursday 28 May 2020


    I simply can't breathe

    My stomach is aching 

    My gut is wrenching 

    My nerves are shuttered 

    My throat is sore 

    I am emotionally disturbed and deeply saddened 

    I can't concentrate 

    I can't breathe 

    I am in the U.K. and I simply can't breathe 

    I do not need to be in the U.S., in order to feel this deeply wounding and gut wrenching painful emotion

    I have woken up feeling as though my soul has been ripped out, intentionally stamped on repeatedly without any empathy, compassion, or care in the world.  

    I can't breathe 

    I am deeply pained, saddened and in shock 

    I can't breathe 

    I am a witness to a murder through the lense of a camera

    I can't breathe 

    The world has seen the killing of George Floyd and many more others like him, like me, like us (black people)

    I can't breathe, I am deeply pained

    I can't breathe, because George was killed senselessly with outward arrogance, ignorance and with an aggressive criminal act by police officers. The other police bystanders are just as guilty for allowing this to happen. 

    I can't breathe because, I saw a human being first of all being restricted of his basic human rights, which was the deprivation of liberty to be able to simply breathe.

    I can't breathe my stomach hurts, my heart bleeds

    I saw a man who has the same skin colour as mine being treated inhumanely

    He was killed because of his skin colour and for having a darker skin pigment 

    I can't breathe because, I mourn deeply for all the lives that have been lost senselessly

    I don't have to be in the U.S., in order to feel this deep emotional and soul destroying pain 

    Everytime, I see similar acts of purposeful cruel, inhumane and mindless acts, I weap and grieve with everyone affected. 
    I grieve because my ancestors would be in shock that these intentional illegal acts of mass murder and modern day slavery continue to still go on today. 
    I grieve because everytime, I see and we (the world) sees; there is yet another physiologically disturbing illegal act that is allowed to continue to happen to black people. 

    I can't breathe, because I am traumatised and emotionally pained by what I have seen and can't unseen.

    I am furious, I am angry, I am upset, I am in shock, 
    I am psychologically disturbed

    I used to think it was a privilege for me to be born in the U.K., to be a Black African first of all and to have lived in the U.S. and yet not be directly affected by the history that most Black African Americans' had to go through and still go through today in the U.S. 

    I should not have to feel grateful for being born in a different country.  

    It should not be a privilege for others with a lighter skin pigmentation to have this false sense of superior entitlement and to be able to continue to get away with it.  

    I grieve and mourn for George Floyd, his family, his friends, 
    his community and everyone greatly affected

    I grieve and mourn for all the souls that have passed unjustly before their time due to intentional acts of violence, torture, cruelty, acts of genocide and of enslavement due to their skin colour.

    I can't breathe and I am in the U.K. 

    I choose to no longer remain a silent witness just because I live in a different country. 

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.Desmond Tutu (Brainy Quotes)

    I still can't breathe 

    I won't be able to breathe, because George Floyd and many more others (our family members) before him are no longer breathing. 

    I won't be able to breathe until these intentional illegal acts of aggressive physical contact, bodily harm, shootings and killing are stopped against people of colour (black people). 

    How many more times will the world need to hear another black person say "I cannot breathe" before these intentionally acts of genocide are stopped. 

    - May you receive the justice you richly deserve in this lifetime - 

    The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Nelson Mandela
    All Black Lives Matters 
    May Your Souls Continue Resting In Eternal Peace 

    #GeorgeFloyd #georgefloywasmurdered #BLACKLIVESMATTER 

    Friday 22 May 2020

    Coronavirus: Living with A Disabling Condition & Excluded From U.K. Government Covid-19 Measures

    It has now been over two months since the Government imposed U.K. Lockdown and limited Online Supermarket Shopping accessibility to only people at increased risk of severe illness from Coronavirus (COVID-19)To date, I do not believe that serious consideration has been given, or discussed in a wider context concerning people living with disabilities (regardless of health conditions). I am a long term chronic illness Fibromyalgia warrior and someone classed as living with a disability (disabling condition). 

    I also writing this blog post in recognition of Fibromyalgia Awareness Day and Mental Health Awareness Week which are significant days for most people, living with disabilities, whether it be physical or mental health related conditions.  

    Given the opportunity, I would ask the U.K. Government the following questions for further consideration and clarification;

    1. Why people who fall under the protected Equality Act 2010 laws have not been considered to date as a group at risk in the UK Codvid-19 Risk Assessment Response Measures? Especially in relation to empowering and enabling disabled people to still access online supermarket shopping as basic human rights necessity. At least giving the option for this category of people to have the accessibility rights to access online shopping. Taking into consideration that most of us prior to the pandemic would have relied on this easy online access and means of shopping for necessities as part of our daily independent living.

    2. When will people living with disabling conditions be included into further serious consideration and discussions of “people at potential risk category,” within the U.K. Government’s wider communication and approach to public risk reduction measures? For instance, people like me who are living with invisible disabilities and incurable long-term chronic health conditions who have to self-isolate, or take extra-precautionary measures healthwise to minimise the risk of being infected with Coronavirus.  

    3. Is the government aware that by excluding this group of people further, there are further financial risks and well-being pressures impacting these group of people? 

    Ever since the U.K. Government imposed lockdown, online shopping access and additional financial support measures, I have felt as though I should be grateful for all the special measures which have been implemented, so far in the best interest of the majority of people. 
    Additionally, to be grateful that I still have access to alternative online shopping means, even if these new means are more expensive than before. 

    On the other hand, I have started to feel more disempowered and restricted in the ability to freely access online supermarket shops the longer the lockdown has gone on. Being excluded from some of the key government measures has also meant that additional financial pressures have started to occur for some of us, due to having to find alternative and more expensive means of online shopping.

    These limitations and imposed restrictions feel as though my equal rights to easily access essential livelihood and basic necessities have been stripped away. Making it harder for those of us who must self-isolate, to find or rely on other means of being able to access necessities we need. Further, consideration has not been given that not everyone will easily have the capability to access new alternative ways of finding necessities especially in the absence of family, friends, and neighbours to assist. 

    It has also not been considered that it can be difficult for some people living with disabilities to ask for help, due to numerous factors. This is especially if you are used to have some of independence, it is not easy to been seen as being vulnerable and dependent on others. Others who might be strangers, even if they volunteer to provide a service on your behalf.

    Overtime, I have increasingly become disillusioned by the U.K. Governments (England) approach in its application of risk management measures, which has excluded people like me, who are living with disabling long term chronic health conditions.

    It was a reminder for me of how far U.K. Government still has to go before invisible and long term disabling chronic health illnesses such as Fibromyalgia are taken more seriously and recognized equally as disabling and incurable conditions. A disabling condition which has limited most people like me from being able to live ordinary lives and limited our capability to work in ordinary work conditions. 

    The current pandemic has not made things easier, only shown how equal opportunities can be easily disregarded for some protected groups. According to the U.K. Government website their social distancing measures focus on people who are who are understandably so, “at increased risk of severe illness from Coronavirus (COVID-19). I do not dispute this fact and serious measure that has been implemented. My concern is the long term well-being effects limiting access for disabled people has, especially those who have underlying health conditions as well. Even though they may not be as high risk, there can still be adverse and costly impacts our lives in the short or long term.

    The groups they have included include the following groups of people; 
    1. aged 70 or older regardless of medical conditions)
    2. under 70 with an underlying health condition listed below (ie anyone instructed to get a flu jab as an adult each year on medical grounds):chronic (long-term) mild to moderate respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis
    3. chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
    4. chronic kidney disease
    5. chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
    6. chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), a learning disability or cerebral palsy diabetes
    7. a weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or medicines such as steroid tablets being seriously overweight (a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above)
    8. those who are pregnant

    Sadly, the list above does not include people with disabilities (regardless of medical conditions) and those of us who would struggle to undertake ordinary activities such as going to the supermarket due to physical impairments/limited physical ability and the adverse health impact of having to stand in queues for prolonged periods.

    Additional further consideration has not been given that within this category of disabled people, some of us have underlying health conditions and compromised immune systems, which does not necessarily fit in the above U.K. Government guidance. It excludes, people who also must self-isolate to minimise potential risk of being inflicted with coronavirus or people who would ordinary be housebound most of the time due to living with disabling health conditions.

    The current pandemic has restricted most of us further from exercising our equal right opportunities and easier equal accessible means to help us maintain our independent living and overall well-being. Some of us that were able to occasional obtain self-employment have also been excluded from new self-employment government grant as we do not meet the threshold, thereby being inflicted by secondary livelihood challenges.

    Over a couple of weeks ago, I heard the Boris Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister mention people with chronic health conditions in the category of people at risk, who should continue to remain isolated, or take certain extra precautions. This was when he along with U.K. government decided to change the U.K. Lockdown measures, from "Stay At Home," to "Stay Alert." Although he mentioned people with chronic conditions, this was not clarified or specified at to what type of conditions he was referring to. I can only assume based on the U.K. Government category of people at risk, he was still referring to people with high risk health conditions.

    What has not been considered is that most of us relied on being able to independently shop online with major supermarkets, as our means of independent living and reasonable financial livelihood. 

    The other factor that has been forgotten under the new "Stay Alert," policy is that most of us our lives won't change that much, even though we have been granted the right to go out as often as we can. Most of us will still continue to avoid Supermarkets and Crowded Areas for different reasons, in order to maintain our well-being safely.

    The current measures are not practical for most people living with chronic and disabling conditions. Here is why;

    I live with a chronic disabling musculoskeletal widespread pain condition known as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.“Musculoskeletal pain affects the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. It can be acute (having a rapid onset with severe symptoms) or chronic (long-lasting).” Aside from these musculoskeletal pains, people also experience other numerous ailments which including cognitive issues. – Mayo Clinic

    What hasn’t been factored into the government new conditions is that most people who live with a chronic pain condition such as Fibromyalgia in the absence of other underlying high-risk conditions are not able to stand in one position for prolonged periods at time, such as waiting in long queues at supermarkets to buy food. Standing, or walking for prolonged periods than expected does trigger muscle stiffness and chronic pain widespread pain. For some this can lead to mental health related conditions, as result of being stressed (i.e. depression and anxiety). No one wants to voluntary live with severe chronic pain or other illnesses, especially in circumstances where it can be reduced. Anyone living with chronic pain, will tell you that prolonged periods of pain induces sadness, which can then escalate into other ailments.

    This then rules out the opportunity for someone living with Fibromyalgia to be able to physically go to supermarkets. There also has to be further consideration given to the current climate, there are longer queues at most supermarkets due to the implementation of physical distancing measures. The whole process of shopping takes longer than it would was before.

    Additionally, most of us who fall into the category of people with compromised immune systems and additional underlying conditions, who must self-isolate, have not been included in the priority of people needing access to online shopping necessities.

    Nor have the people with disabling conditions with low risk health conditions who can physically go to the shops, been given further consideration in equal accessibility rights at supermarkets. For instance, suitable times, they can go into the supermarket, whereby they can go and shop briefly without having to aggravate, or impact their well-being adversely, as a result of having to wait with lots of people.

    I am also someone as a case in example, who became inflicted with severe coronavirus symptoms, which took me seven weeks to recover from due to my compromised immune system and flare up of my underlying chronic health condition. Fortunately, I was able to recover and did not have to go into hospital. Thankfully, I was informed by Emergency Medical Service, it was safer for me to recover from home due to protect my compromised immune system. To date there is no medical or scientific confirmation, that I will not be re-infected again with coronavirus symptoms, therefore I have to continue to self-isolate. Regardless, I would not be able to access supermarkets in the current conditions we are living in.

    We have been asked to reach out to neighbors and families that can help. At the same time, these measures only work short term.

    • Living with a chronic condition already feels disempowering and disabling. Especially when you are placed in a position where you must rely on someone else in some cases strangers in the absence of familiar assistance.
    • There are no mental health benefits in asking for help over a prolonged period. One can also start to feel guilty about potentially putting someone else at risk by asking them to do you a favor. 
    • Not everyone is the position to reach out to people who can help them when they need to. Or they might be surrounded by other people who are potentially at high risk as well. Or surrounded by people who also must self-isolate.
    • Most of us only qualify if at all for Universal Credit only and not Personal Independence Payment (PIP), because our condition is not considered “disabling enough.” Nor do we meet the threshold for self-employment grants, due to limited capability to work on a regular and consistent basis. Or we have stopped receiving new work self-employed work opportunities.

    The challenge here is over a short-term period these measures work where certain liberties and freedoms work in the best interest of the everyone. Over a prolonged period, the current U.K. Government measures will not work and will start to impact the overall well-being of most people.

    Based on my own personal experience and journey so far since the lockdown, I feel more disempowered than I have felt before. I am in the group of people who have been forgotten about, left behind, and excluded by U.K. Government new measures. I do not fit in the low, or high-risk group category. I cannot afford the luxury of being able to go out without worrying about the potential high risk of being inflicted again with coronavirus system. Nor, do I fit the category of someone who is sufficiently physically able to undertake ordinary activities such as going to supermarkets and queuing up, without aggravating my chronic health condition symptoms.

    To conclude, I feel as though once again in the wider U.K. Government Communications and approach certain equal liberties for people living with disabling and incurable conditions have been disregarded from equal opportunities and accessibility rights. Social and physical isolation alone is mentally challenging to adjust. When you add other liberties such as your livelihood being taken away, or limited it becomes much harder to manage well-being over a prolonged period.

    I do appreciate that there are serious concerns for people who are at increased risk of being impacted by coronavirus. At the same time, I believe that further consideration and measures by the U.K. Government should have been considered for people in my category.

    We are a group that still wants to continue to access our independent living rights of being able to supermarket shopping slots online. 

    This is also keeping in mind that most of the people who are at high risk do receive government food boxes. Therefore, there should be further consideration for some online delivery slots to be opened to those of us who have had to self-isolate and those of us with disabling conditions, who are limited from engaging in ordinary activities.

    Our civil and equal liberalities were implemented for a reason in the U.K. This was to ensure that there was equal access to services to everyone. This is the reason, I have chosen to write this blog post and to no longer remain silent.

    Sunday 26 April 2020

    My Lessons Learnt: Experience Of Being Inflicted with Coronavirus Symptoms

    In this blog post, I wanted to share with you my lessons learnt following experiencing severe Coronavirus Symptoms. This is with the hopes that by raising further awareness, so that someone's else's is much easier than mine. Also, to share a story of hope and an optimistic outlook especially during this complex and challenging time. Thankfully, we starting to see and hear more stories about people who have been able to recover and overcome the battle of being afflicted with a viral infection.

    Disclaimer: The information, I am sharing is based on my personal experience and for educational purposes only. Always consult your Health Professionals for medical guidance including Emergency Services (if required). Do not wait to seek medical help if you are very concerned about your health.  Also always remember if choose to use any homely natural remedies to ensure you are well informed about the products before consuming them.

    Background and Context:
    In my previous blogpost I shared a detailed experience of what I went through as a result of experiencing severe coronavirus related symptoms. I was informed by an Emergency Services Doctor that my symptoms were similar to what 95% people had also reported to emergency services.

    So far, my symptoms have consisted of the following:
    • Cold Symptoms, on and off chills and rising temperatures. Intolerance to cold temperatures and room temperature drinks (or anything that felt cold)
    •  Chest pain (pressure and congestion)
    • Back pain (pressure, including difficulties with deep breathing)
    • Sore throat, dry mouth and throat
    • On and off headaches and lower abdomen pain
    • Breathlessness in the chest and upper throat
    It has been an up and down roller coaster ride of challenging trials and tribulations. Including moments and day's when I felts as though I was on the road to recovery. To only be hit again with the viral infection symptoms. The most challenging times have been when during the night time and colder temperatures. This is when it appears that the viral infection is most active and aggressive. 

    I know understand what some people who have experienced the moderate and severe symptoms have been going through. This virus can challenge your mental and physical strength. Due to its complex and overwhelming nature. 

    Health wise, I am someone whose immune system is already compromised and I also have two underlying health conditions: a chronic illness known as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue  and Hypothyroidism. Initially, I was apprehensive about the potential impact of coronavirus including whether I could withstand its storms healthwise.

    MY LESSON LEARNT: Knowing what I know now, this is what I would have done proactively in the beginning to potentially minimize my symptoms from progressing into something more serious:

    1. Treat initial cold symptoms more aggressively like flu symptoms. Reason being is that is it easier to become susceptible to catching the flu, or the current viral infection when your immune defense mechanism is down. It did not take long for my cold symptoms to escalate into full blown pneumonia symptoms.

    Initially, I assumed my cold symptoms and eventual chest infection would go away. What I didn’t expect was the additional impacts of other symptoms, such as the severity of the breathlessness. It felt as though I was dealing with, managing and treating 5-6 symptoms all at the same time.

    2. Increased natural hot water drinks, with homely remedies such as lemon with fresh ginger, vinegar, black pepper, fresh turmeric to 3-4 cups or more to keep hydrated. Also, to help boost my immune system and to fight off the cold. 

     I usually buy the above ingredients as part of my monthly shopping list for my cooking and hot water drinking routine. Unfortunately, I had become inconsistent with my routine of drinking hot water with natural root based remedies on a regular basis, prior to being inflicted with a viral infection. 

    I found that drinking the above hot water remedy helped me to remain hydrated. It ease sore and dry throat symptoms.

    As I was intolerant to room temperature and cold drinks the hot water remedy above helped.

    3. Used Hot Water and Vicks Steaming Inhalation more regularly especially first thing in the morning and evening before temperature decreased and to minimise symptoms from escalating as a result of exposure to coldness. Other hot water inhalation mixer, I used was with hot water, vinegar, lemon, ginger, lemon. It helped to clear my nose, airways and chest pressure. 

    It would have been beneficial to implement a hot water steaming routine, during the initial stages of develop cold and flu symptoms. To help clear my nose, airways and lungs. Hot Steaming has become my new normal now. I have become familiar with the nature of the beast (coronavirus) and when it's likely to be trigger and potentially become aggressive. I counteract it by being proactive earlier with hot steaming to minimise escalation of symptoms to breathlessness. 

    My Malawian Grandma (on my maternal side) used this hot steaming remedy for us when we were younger, with root based ingredients to help us ease cold and flu symptoms. She also used to drink 8 glasses or warm water everyday, including eating root based ingredients raw, with plant based foods. She didn't eat much meat from what I recall. In her 80's she visited U.S. and was examined by a Dr. who informed her she was the healthiest person he had seen at her age. This is what has also motivated me to apply these natural measures so far, to help ease my symptoms. 

    This virus thrives, or becomes more active and aggressive during cold temperatures. During heightened states it becomes more aggressive by triggering off chest pain, tightness, back pain and restricts airways in the throat and lungs. It escalates very quickly before you even know what is happening. 

    There are some days when just regular hot steaming didn’t work. I found leaning over a boiling pan more alleviating and it seemed to provide more relief and cleared my airways. Obviously, health and safety is the highest and most essential thing to consider. I wouldn’t recommend this, but at the time I was desperate for to try anything that could ease my breathing. There are safe hot steaming products which you can purchase online via Amazon for instance. 

    4. Sleep sideways more, or on your stomach. As sleeping on your back restricts airways and makes it difficult to breath. I only realized this much later after I watched a video on Youtube from a Health Professional who recommended this. I have watched other videos from Health Professionals on Youtube and Co to help me learn more about natural treatments, prevention measures and how to treat pneumonia and breathlessness. Reason being is I can’t take paracetamol (react adversely to it), so I have had to be creative in how I manage and minimize my viral infection symptoms.

    5. Other remedy I used:
    Echinacea - a traditional herbal cold remedy which reduces the severity and duration of colds. I took drops of this helped ease sore throat and clear the airways a little bit. 

    What I have learnt from this viral infection is that you will end up experimenting with different treatments (including professional health input) to find out what works best. What your body is responsive to or not. As I highlighted earlier, it feels as though you are treating numerous symptoms. Also for the fact that there is no known vaccine or cure to date.

    5. Keep Warm to protect your chest: Wearing layers of clothes, blankets, a cloth or scarf to protect your chest all the times helps to minimise aggravation of symptoms. Minimal exposure of the chest to the cold, even if you feel hot can exacerbate chest pain, pressure and breathlessness issues. I folded a mini blanket and placed it underneath my top to protect myself and to keep my chest warm at all times. Use vicks and any other homely remedies for your chest. 

    Early evenings appear to the worst and when the viral attacks are aggressive.  Morning time, I would usually wake up with moderate and manageable symptoms. In the afternoon, if the temperature outside was warmer, my symptoms would ease until early evening. 

    This is where regular hot water steaming throughout the day (with natural remedies) helps to have at least a good night’s sleeps. During my trials and tribulations, I also came across hot water steaming products on Amazon. Unfortunately, at the time when I was searching for products they were sold out, or held on a waiting list for several weeks.

    OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK BEYOND FEAR AND DOUBT: Beyond thinking of the worst that could happen.

    1.    You get used to a daily routine, when you start to understand the beast and its patterns. I started to get used to daily routine of how I could minimize the potential adverse attacks of this beast. I wanted to fight and to not be vulnerable or feel defenseless to it. Since I didn’t know how much or how far it could push me. I didn’t know physically what I could be withstand, as feeling breathless and attacked can leave you feeling helpless.

    For instance, I used to get early initial warning signs of the chest starting to tighten up or a sharp shooting pain, this is when you don’t want to wait until symptoms become aggressive to breathlessness. Use hot steaming regularly until symptoms clear. Until you feel like your body is starting to relax. Implementing this method, alleviated my symptoms.

    Medical Guidance and Advice: You also want to ensure at each stage that you are in regular contact with Medical Professionals and do not leave anything to last minute. Also do keep in mind that Hot Steaming Remedies may not work for everyone, it's best to find out from your medical health care professional if it is okay to apply this method; especially if you have a complex medical health condition. 

    2.    Somedays you feel like you have recovered which may not be accurate. Continue with homely remedies, which you feel are helping to include any medical guidance you have received from your Health Practitioner. For some people with minor symptoms it takes between 7-10 days to start feeling better. Unfortunately, as I was inflicted with pneumonia it is taking much longer for my symptoms to clear. Fortunately, I have not been coughing repetitively or had consistent high temperatures.

    4.    Avoid stress, listen to motivational and inspirational information to help you to remain calm. As this virus does test your mental and physical ability. In the moment of experiencing the attacks you feel powerless.

    5.    Mentally when you have the ability Healthwise to manage independently, you start to realize that the attacks will soon pass, and you have the willpower to fight every day. Do not get me wrong, in the moments you still feel like it's never going to end, but it does, and you come through it. Do not let is escalate to the point where you feel very powerless, do everything you can minimize it was escalating. This includes contacting your Health Professional services if you are concerned for further guidance. 

    6.    Regular daily deep breathing exercises helps lung function. I medicate, do Yoga on alternative days. I also do deep breathing through the hot steam routines just to ensure that body feel relaxed.

    7.    Exercise regularly, helps with lungs and improve in breathing. I found exercise helped to also keep me mentally positive and to see as though I could fight though the toughest challenges.

    8.    Drink and eat healthy food and drinks especially warmer or hot foods/drinks during the time you are feeling unwell.

    I am continuing to fight through with remaining symptoms, I still have good and bad days. I am in my 4th week and part of me felt as though I had fully recovered. Unfortunately, that has not been the case as soon as the temperatures decreased, I was back again to having a sore throat, chest pain, pressure and milder symptoms of breathlessness. I am holding to an optimistic outlook that the worse it potentially over and will continue to fight through until I am fully well again.

    Tomorrow is not promised. I can only focus on doing the ultimate best of what I can do today. I hope you are too and continuing to remain safe.  

    The best advice that an Emergency Doctor gave me was to have faith, hope and belief that I would be well again and not to think the worst. To believe that I was going to be well and that I would recover. I would like to leave you with the same message.

    To end, please note that what I shared is only for information and educational purposes only based on my own personal experience. There are no cures at the moment, the homely remedies, I used were intended to help alleviate my symptoms. Always ensure you are well informed about any homely remedies prior to taking them and with consultation and guidance from Health Professionals.  

    Thank you to all the Health Professional 
    and Frontline Key Workers, without you. Including Health Professionals who have been involved my direct Health Care and Well Being. 

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