Thursday, 28 May 2020


I simply can't breathe

My stomach is aching 

My gut is wrenching 

My nerves are shuttered 

My throat is sore 

I am emotionally disturbed and deeply saddened 

I can't concentrate 

I can't breathe 

I am in the U.K. and I simply can't breathe 

I do not need to be in the U.S., in order to feel this deeply wounding and gut wrenching painful emotion

I have woken up feeling as though my soul has been ripped out, intentionally stamped on repeatedly without any empathy, compassion, or care in the world.  

I can't breathe 

I am deeply pained, saddened and in shock 

I can't breathe 

I am a witness to a murder through the lense of a camera

I can't breathe 

The world has seen the killing of George Floyd and many more others like him, like me, like us (black people)

I can't breathe, I am deeply pained

I can't breathe, because George was killed senselessly with outward arrogance, ignorance and with an aggressive criminal act by police officers. The other police bystanders are just as guilty for allowing this to happen. 

I can't breathe because, I saw a human being first of all being restricted of his basic human rights, which was the deprivation of liberty to be able to simply breathe.

I can't breathe my stomach hurts, my heart bleeds

I saw a man who has the same skin colour as mine being treated inhumanely

He was killed because of his skin colour and for having a darker skin pigment 

I can't breathe because, I mourn deeply for all the lives that have been lost senselessly

I don't have to be in the U.S., in order to feel this deep emotional and soul destroying pain 

Everytime, I see similar acts of purposeful cruel, inhumane and mindless acts, I weap and grieve with everyone affected. 
I grieve because my ancestors would be in shock that these intentional illegal acts of mass murder and modern day slavery continue to still go on today. 
I grieve because everytime, I see and we (the world) sees; there is yet another physiologically disturbing illegal act that is allowed to continue to happen to black people. 

I can't breathe, because I am traumatised and emotionally pained by what I have seen and can't unseen.

I am furious, I am angry, I am upset, I am in shock, 
I am psychologically disturbed

I used to think it was a privilege for me to be born in the U.K., to be a Black African first of all and to have lived in the U.S. and yet not be directly affected by the history that most Black African Americans' had to go through and still go through today in the U.S. 

I should not have to feel grateful for being born in a different country.  

It should not be a privilege for others with a lighter skin pigmentation to have this false sense of superior entitlement and to be able to continue to get away with it.  

I grieve and mourn for George Floyd, his family, his friends, 
his community and everyone greatly affected

I grieve and mourn for all the souls that have passed unjustly before their time due to intentional acts of violence, torture, cruelty, acts of genocide and of enslavement due to their skin colour.

I can't breathe and I am in the U.K. 

I choose to no longer remain a silent witness just because I live in a different country. 

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.Desmond Tutu (Brainy Quotes)

I still can't breathe 

I won't be able to breathe, because George Floyd and many more others (our family members) before him are no longer breathing. 

I won't be able to breathe until these intentional illegal acts of aggressive physical contact, bodily harm, shootings and killing are stopped against people of colour (black people). 

How many more times will the world need to hear another black person say "I cannot breathe" before these intentionally acts of genocide are stopped. 

- May you receive the justice you richly deserve in this lifetime - 

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Nelson Mandela
All Black Lives Matters 
May Your Souls Continue Resting In Eternal Peace 

#GeorgeFloyd #georgefloywasmurdered #BLACKLIVESMATTER 

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