Wednesday 14 February 2018

Episode 18: VALENTINE THEME 🌷❣️Select Your Prospective Client As You Would When Choosing A Life Long Partner

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In today’s topic it a fun theme tied into Valentines Day. Let everyday be and feel like Valentines.

I pose a few questions about the qualities you look for in a long life term partner. What attracted you to them? What qualities you outlined like a dating profile for meeting your ideal partner

Could you outline the same qualities, core values, beliefs, attractiveness, appeal, motivation and ambition as a High Standard Bar you set for yourself for your ideal and prospective client?

You can also use this podcast session as a fun exercise with a girlfriend or friends to outline all the characteristics you look in an idea partner and then select the one you want to look for in a client/customer offline and online; including what you would want them to see in you.

Questions for you to consider for your Online Home Business:

  1. What type of qualities were you look for before you settled down with your partner. Or what qualities are looking for now in the right partner?

  2. What motivated you to become attracted to that person?

  3. What sort of ideas do you have about what you wouldn’t accept in your partner?

  4. What was the dating profile you had in mind? Or had created for your online dating profile for instance?

  5. What attracts you to certain men including celebrities?

The vision that you have developed overtime of your ideal partner, should be similar to developing the branding of your business. We all do things intuitively when looking for our potential partner which enable us to become more attracted overtime to that person the more we get to know like and trust them.

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To your success ladies,

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The Importance of a Good Lead Magnet

You’ve heard that you need to build your list. You need to collect people’s contact information and send them offers.

But you need to be more strategic than simply asking people whether they’d like to receive offers from you. Most people won’t get too excited about that.

This is why we use lead magnets. When you offer them something of value, people will gladly hand over their contact information.  Learn via the video below and also ACCESS FREE INFORMATION HERE!!!  - More Detailed Elite Online Business & Digital Marketing Information to help you in Starting, Scaling and Growing the Wealth of Your Business. 

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Sunday 11 February 2018

Ladies: If You Managed Once To Escape MR CRAZY,- "Ask Yourself Deeper Questions Before You Let Him Back Into Your Life Again"

Deep Reflective Sunday Thoughts πŸ’­ 

IF YOU ONCE MANAGED TO ESCAPE "MR CRAZY," and now have a beautiful loving and caring relationship with you again. Spend a little bit more time asking your soul first what it truly wants and fight those supposed and once upon in a lifetime feelings of romance - l'amour "πŸ’”"

Just because MR CRAZY wants back in your life, it does not mean an automatic YES from you.

I would like to maintain a little bit of optimism, that possibly with some twisted fate of the universe that MR CRAZY might just be returning into your life after years of being proactive in finding ways to heal his soul. 

So maybe now he is returning into your life with some Deep Self-Awareness Qualifications & Certification from Tibet (minimal chance☺️ but I’ll would like to remain optimistic) 

Let's consider this first:

  • That once upon a time you had a Beautiful Lifestyle but sometimes Crazy Type Romance. Now that chapter in your story is over. MR CRAZY wandered into your world, your life and then stole your heart away for a reason.
  •  It is one of those chapters in your Life Story, which were meant for heart to discover some life lessons and to open your soul to another level of re-awakening.  To be FREED and healed once more from some emotional layers of your past. 
  • Now that you are fully aware of that life lesson with MR CRAZY- give you and your soul the opportunity to happily progress on with a happier and healthier lifestyle which consists of you looking after your well-being.  
  • You deserve true and utter happiness QUEEN πŸ‘‘ There will be moments in your life when MR CRAZY will show up again in your life, especially when your soul starts to find happiness🀷🏽‍♀️🀦🏽‍♀️Look at this as another test to your strength of character, look beyond the emotions of your heart and what was once Love πŸ’” is now no more. 
  • If is okay once in while to have Self-doubt creep and to question yourself. To feel like even if you aren't fully aware, that you don't deserve happiness. When you find yourself gravitating towards MR. CRAZY again remind yourself that these are moments when your soul is purposefully dening you of the happiness you deserve. 
  • Just remember, that yes we (as women) were built to be emotionally vulnerable, but that does not mean that you cannot trust yourself to ride through those deep emotions once again. Trust me the ride does get easier and much better, emotionally the more you allow yourself and your soul to be FREED emotionally. 
  • When you have a higher level of AWARENESS remember that you are in full control- emotionally and no one else. Standstill enough and you will hear your soul speak to you and tell you what it truly wants, way beyond all the layers of yearning that once before and is no longer. 
  •  Reach out to your Non Crazy & Guru Type Friends who are a Self reflection and mirror of your soul; they will help you indirectly and guide you back to your soul. For you to feel more empowered once more to pay more close attention to your trusted guide your intuition and gut.

#Metoo been there too Ladies. Once in a while and most recently - I have had to put my soul in check and ask it what it truly wants. I ride through the waves of self-awareness and have accepted the past lessons that needed to be learnt. Now my soul yearns for greener, healthier and better type of Crazy in Beautiful Love and Happily Ever Type Lifestyle. 

What is beautiful and great in your lifestyle right now? Look within your soul and you will find the answer. - the beautiful is you and you don't have to search far for her, for she is you. 

My soul at the moment is listening and dancing to  Keen'V - Ca Va Aller (You'll Be Alrightand reminiscing on what is good and beautiful in my life right now. What was once before is a like another lifetime in history.

Note to the song: I am taking the positive meaning of this song as my soul has a different type of awareness. If you read too much into the meaning of the full song in English it might be a bit depressing (if your soul has not moved on yet). So I have opted for the more positive excerpts of the song:) 

"And they say: "you'll be alright"
I'll be alright with time, so they say.
I'll be alright, but I was not really expecting this sorrow.
And they say: "you'll be alright"
You'll be alright
And they say: "you'll be alright"
You'll be alright"
Lyrics & Song By Keen'V - Ca Va Aller

As I get ready to be  Freed By Mr 50 Shades of Grey, I feel like writing another blog this coming week, with the undertones of Valentines tide to it. As I grow older, I have developed mixed feelings of the actual Valentines Day and the whole theme surrounding it. Either way, I'll just leave it here and state that a lady is still a girl, who loves being pampered and would never say no to treats and retreats whatever day, or season of the year it might be. As she is a lady she will always treat her gent too. To be continued ....

Photo Below: Sharing with you my picture of my once upon in a Lifetime of Happier moments - a girls trip to Spain. This is a lifetime when my soul was free of any introductions to MR CRAZY in my life. I was in love with the beauty of life and soaked in its environment. I embraced my souls conviction of what and who I wanted to attract in my life. 

I attracted the beauty of life and it's beautiful souls. My soul has evolved into something that is fully aware of the previous lessons learnt in life with no regrets. The only regret would be to wonder back now in full awareness to some type of crazy by free will. Je ne regrette rien. I would not be the person, I am today had my soul not welcomed some of crazy in it. 

Here is to you setting yourself and your soul free Queen.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

LIFESTYLE DESIGN “When Anxiety Becomes Your New Normal”

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A FREER Lifestyle which fits in nicely with my nomad outlook in life. As I have always felt that am not bound to one place or country.


This is when you have discovered there is more to life than just the daily 9-5 pm grind (that you feel imprisoned or tramped in). You feel empowered to manifest your own lifestyle whether it be in the chosen career (that you love), or in a as a Self-Employed, Entrepreneur Person

You have strong conviction of self-belief, that you can achieve what you set your mind to – and set out the intention to the universe (if you religious then through other means)
You realize that there is more to life than just working hard to pay off the bills and then to just die.

Your mind becomes more solution focused and outward looking with a sense of where there is a will there is a way to overcome the life challenge you might be experiencing. You also see solutions in helping others

You no longer FEAR certain things like before
  • Fear of what will happen if you don’t have something to lean on such as a job and the not a guaranteed security pension fund (not guaranteed because by the time you reach pension age, you realize the funds are not sufficient to sustain your lifestyle)You don’t fear certain things like bills and not being able to pay them on time and the what if
  • You are no longer bound in chains by what others say about you, or what you are doing – because you understand you have a purpose in this life and you will attract the right people and right opportunities.
  • You no longer come from a mindset of lack or fear failure because you understand that in life there are only lessons and the only way you can grow through learning
  •  You don’t FEAR investing in yourself, especially when it pertains to furthering your Life Purpose and Vision 
  • You no longer live in this heightened state of you NEED MONEY and need to see RESULTS NOW, because you understand a bigger picture of what it takes to obtain long term success

Instead you become a life strategist:
  • You learn methods of how to plan effectively and how to WORK SMARTER – NOT HARDER. 
  • If you don’t have something, you plan strategically and communicate it clearly verbally, or in writing for yourself and with the people who need to know; how and when you will get there rather than sitting and waiting for life to happen, or opportunity to coming at your down, or luck to happen
  • You allow yourself the opportunity to become more of a RISK TAKER.
  • You no longer feed of energy of whether you are the most popular in high school – for you understand there is more to life than just getting attention. You understand that unlike being in your former schooling life that you do not need to be perfect (pass with all A’s) as life is more real than that- that showing up as yourself is what attracts others to you
  • You have a Life Vision, A Life Purpose, A Life Passion, which is linked to helping others beyond you and your family. Which is beyond money 
  • You understand that money is only a vehicle and a tool to get you to fulfill your life vision before you die. As you understand you will not take money to the grave with you, nor will others remember you for eternity for $1 million plus you had in your bank account. Some will want it for the wrong reason to serve themselves, but not to recognize how hard you worked for it.
  • You welcome each moment you feel this gut tension and level of anxiety as your new normal; you live life to push yourself further and further out of your comfort box, because you know that each time you will meet a newer and more refined version of you – that is the person that holds the keys you truly living your life as intended
  • You understand that life comes with its on challenges and its not about being happy all the time its more about developing a positive mindset; which allows you to pick yourself up again – after you have learnt and gone through the challenge. You use that challenge to rise up again with a much more strength of character
  • You understand that my embracing this type of Lifestyle its not going to be a picnic walk in the park, where you sip endless flowing champagne whilst you are working on your laptop at some exotic island or stately castle.
  • You understand there is still work to be done – you have more creating to do and you enjoy it now because your mind is FREE off any obstacles you as you find solutions. If you don’t see solutions, you welcome the new challenge 
To end is this type of lifestyle for everyone? It does not have to keeping in mind that any path you choose in life – you have a choice within it to be life a fulfilled life just as long as you allow yourself to plan – how and when you will get there if you are not already there.

Now if you want to learn how to live in this type of FREER Lifestyle and where you feel much FREER inside. Let’s connect today, by you TAKING ACTION and reaching out to me. After all this is about your life journey and not mine REACH OUT TO ME HERE!!!