Sunday 18 October 2015

Key to Success

What have I learned so far? 

I tend to have many ideas floating around in my mind, lots and plenty of them that just float in my mind. Then at times I become overwhelmed and do nothing. I can become a creative procrastinator, a perfectionist to the point that I end up going around in circles before turning my goals into reality 

I have learnt fear sometimes leads me into focusing on others things rather than my actual goals. That at times, focusing on my true potential actually brings it own anxieties and fears  

I am writing this now, because I had so many ideas floating in my mind, yet again. I decided to take a few minutes break from studying. This is how my mind works, at times I flow from one thing to another. From one idea to many ideas 

What have I changed? 

I decided to change my habits of the I can't do, into I can most of the time.
I decided to change moments floating into focused achievable goals 

How do I refocus my mind?
 I started to retrain my mind on a daily basis into positive thinking- shutting down the negative voice which at times seems to win the battle

I started to surround myself with the people/friends who believe in the 'I can do attitude' and 'I will attitude.' 
I started to educate myself on how to translate my goals into achievable goals 
I started to educate myself by finding free educational resources online, which could teach and empower me to actualise my true potential

What I am Learning; 
I am learning how train my mind into not being distracted by many things; time wasters. For instance I have timed myself on how long I will write this blog; so that I can then refocus my energy on studying again.

I have learnt that there are many distractions online. I moved away from the clicking culture- the habit of clicking from one story line to the next and before you know 10 mins turns into an 1 hour of nothingness. 

I am learning how to maximise on time each day by setting specific goals

I have learnt that exercise does not have to be a punishment, rather it should be something one enjoys. I have reconnected with my childhood hobby of dancing and turned it into fun exercise; which then turns exercise into an enjoyable experience 

I decided to find a mentor - in the form of someone who can motivate me and snap me back into reality when my mind starts to wonder and ponder ( a mentor in form of a friend) 

Small Routines that lead into daily habits: What do I  mean by this? 

  • Breaking down goals into small daily routines, makes a bigger dream more achievable and realistic. 
  • Taking time out and being specific about goals one wants to achieve each day (including being specific about date and time to focus) achieves more results that not doing anything at all.
  • Noting down things one is grateful for each morning, makes one more thankful and appreciative of life. Also turns negative thoughts into positive ones 
  • Regular exercise stimulates the mind into creativity and proactive mental engagement. 10 mins -30 mins exercise a day can be become a habit rather than attempting to climb mount Kilimanjaro in a day). 

What is a goal?
I have rediscovered what it means to have a goal in life. 

I have discovered what my intended purpose and goal in life is. By starting with my end goal and worked my way backwards into what I need to achieve on a daily basis in order to reach my end goal.

I am more in tune with my body and mind; I now appreciate internal fear, anxiety, stomach churning moments and push myself beyond these feelings  

For instance, I presented at a seminar not too long ago. A week before the seminar, my mind and body started to work overtime. The thoughts of self-doubts about my ability, the fear of how many people were going to be there, the what if I mess up thoughts all started creeping in. I turned these negative thoughts into positive thoughts - into a CAN DO ATTITUDE. I made myself believe that I was the best at this topic and nobody else knew the topic more than I did. I imagined that I would deliver the best presentation and imagined the positive aspects of achieving the end goal. 

Back to goals and what it means to have a goal: 
A goal is something that makes me nervous and something that questions my potential and ability to actually achieve 

A goal is like the feeling of jumping out of the plane - at this stage there is no turning back. Most successful people thrive on fear, and live off fear, as part of their means to achieve goals 

It is overcoming the what's if I fail, or I am a failure and I will not try anyway 

A goal feels like attending an interview of your life, where you are the judge and jury. It (the goal) is the constant questioning - and the question what will people think of me, what if I mess up

A goals is actually learning to fail, in order learn how to do things in  a much better way. It is like the feeling of falling off a bike as a child, getting bruised yet getting up again, until one is able to ride that bike.   

The obstacles to goals 

  • Our family, culture, tradition narratives, which we carry in our invisible suitcase of life 
  • The million of voices which say, you will be like this, this was your intend purpose to the point your own self identify get los
  • The daily 9-5 job or routine which is way too comfortable, because jumping off means there is no life line 
  • The I will do it tomorrow, because today I have so much to do. Or I do not have time, or money to do anything, so  I will wait until something better comes along 
  • The I can't because, only the rich, the privileged, the lucky one's only achieve

Tomorrow never comes and death only comes knocking once 

I have realised that tomorrow never comes and to maximise and add value to today

I am learning to appreciate today, rather than tomorrow thereby minimising regrets when tomorrow does finally arrive 

What I am learning about TRUE SUCCESS: 

Success in material form, does not equate to happiness 

Success in the form of educating, impacting and changing others people lives equates to happiness  

That Rome was not built in a day. Ideas contained in the mind, which are not shared in the form of educating others is wasted knowledge. That knowledge was intended to be shared 

That I do not need for death to come and snap me back into reality because it would be too late

I have learned that many millions of people have died with ideas and goals still in their mind; sadly their dreams, thoughts and goals in life are lost forever 

By breaking goals down into smaller achievable goals, life become less overwhelming. Ideas became less overpowering. One starts to finally create in smaller steps in order to actually leave a true existence

Friday 2 October 2015


Cardi-MY-o-pathy?? Cardiomyopathy

I had to learn how to spell you, for your vocabulary or dialect did not exist in my world  

l learnt how to truly speak in tongue through you

Now I know you like the back of my hand

You existed in my world and crept in uninvited, without me knowing you ever existed 

You open the door and entered my world uninvited

If only you were like Dracula, I could have turned you away once you turned up at my door  

When you showed, you sure did turn up and wanted to me know against my will

You came screaming and punching hard to be heard 

You jolted in me into realms yet unknown

Your churned my stomach upside down and up again 

You flipped me into unimaginable levels; for a never new the damage you could cause 

You made me astute to the realism of what life is and can be 

You pushed me into a world, I was not prepared just yet to enter, nor ready to explore 

You drugged me unwilling into specialist areas, I had to disperser without a dictionary, or navigator  

You threw me into a the lion den without a shield  

You pushed me over the edge and propelled me to hung onto the cliff edge without safety ropes  

You left me hanging with no certainties or guarantees

You sold me a deal which I was not prepared for; for there was no return to unwanted package 

I could not return to the unknown or wish you away; for you were here to stay 

I could not close my eyes and open them again; this was not dream and still is not a dream  

You had become my reality and are now my reality 

You are my reality 

Although, you may not afflicted my physical being, you managed to yank every fibre of my being 

I am now awake and astute to you 

For you are now part of my life, my every waking moments to the realism and absurdity of life 


I once had a bronze key to life until I decided to upgrade to a silver key
I hung on to the silver key for so long, it became a habit to life 
Life kicked me into geared, and knocked me out of my comfort zone yet once more, like an involuntary sky diver (only the parachute had only been opened this time around with no looking back)
Life spoke out loud, jilted me, kicked me off my sit until my silver key- slipped through my fingers to never return 

Now, I have forgotten what was behind the door of the silver key
I far beyond and am on my way to the golden key of life

It is amazing how extraordinary life is, how life opens doors once one has obtained the key to life

What is the key to life?
The key to life is waking up yet again to all the possibilities of life
It is about awakening the mind to another level, another platform that is yet explored
Difficult to explain, or to contextualise- the only way it can be explained is; the feeling in the gut that say's this is it, there is no going back 

To contextualise it even further, perhaps it is ones unexpected life circumstance's that creates this new door 

This door is only accessible when one wakes up to life's potential 
It is the less ventured road, only travelled by the the one's who fear the most about missing out on life 
It is not like the life of Dorothy, of dreamingly wishful away with a magic wand with the help of magic slippers only to be flown back home to the land of comfort zone, 'after all there is no place life home,' right?
It is more than escapism, it is another level of wishing be flown away from home and off a plane

A road less travelled just because it is not an easy road
It is the road that churns ones stomach into a level of feeling in flight mode, but still curious to push further 
It is the road that is filled with anxiety, hence the road less travelled

Once someone, discovers obtains this golden key to the world; it is hard to let go 
One becomes unstoppable until the golden key is obtain
Correction, the key is not the answer of to everything; there are other shades of golden keys 

It is world where the impossible opportunities become possible 
The impossible become clear and more apparent 
One becomes almost invisible
Almost invisible because fear starts to reject negatives and only accepts positives. 
Fear creates the can do's even if it is scary  
The mind starts to concur mind over matter
Once the exploration kicks in new doors into a whole new world opens,
The world which once appeared to be a millions miles away, now becomes only accessible a stone throws away.

How does one obtain such a key
The key?

Each key is unique and only attainable through one's one ventures of actualisation  
It, the key is the unlocking of one's own mind to all life possibilities
It is the key to unlocking and unleashing the power within; life the wicked witch of the west brushing of fears with magic spells

Only this key does not wish away the bad and good 
This key embraces the good and bad 

The key?

The key is maximising each day life, as though it was the last 

It is like the experience of  jumping off a plane
It is the experience filled with all the worst fears that could ever be imagined only to awaken to something wondering; for all the fears where just an imagine of a locked key 

The golden key is an unlocked door

The key? 

The golden key is one's own awakening, another dose to one more day of living a true authentic life

The golden key to life, is YOU, the I and the ME and no one else; it is the unlocking of your true potential and existence in life 

Happy Friday_ loving you all

CFM xoxo