Monday 20 November 2017

Have you walked in her Exact Footprints 👣 and Shoes 👠



Have you walked in her Exact Footprints ðŸ‘£ and Shoes ðŸ‘  

You will only get close to knowing and relating to her story 

You will get close to assuming and recommending what is best for her 

Unless if you have walked in her exact footprint and shoes you will never know exactly how she feels 

You may have heard other experiences that relate to hers 

You may have experienced ways of helping others similar to her 


There is only one of her in this world ðŸŒŽ and no one else but her 

You will never be able to walk in her exact shoes, in this lifetime 

As much we try and predict, diagnose and try to understand another human beings experience we will never truly know what it feels and to be like them 

We can offer advice, recommend remedies to help but we can heal another person unless their soul allows for it. Unless they themselves truly believe in healing themselves 

You see we ( those who try to help) are only guides in other person’s journey and do not hold any magic potions or truths to another persons experience 

What is the Moral of this Floetry? ;)
Be a guide and only a guide 
Be judgement free 
Accepting each individual, as "an individual,"  regardless of any stories, remedies there are on this planet 
See and truly see that person in front of you as an individual (and not as a collective of the masses) 

When you reach this status of deeply connecting another individual, you will truly see the soul in front of you without their entity and possibly slightly be able to walk into their own truth 

This ladies truth? 
This lady, this woman knows her own strength and what she is made of

Although, she will hear you, listen to you, will truly see you; she will ultimately accept what she truly knows to be deeply embedded in her own heart   -she knows her own truth

Her own soul which is deeply embedded in her soul will give her the answers she needs to know for that exact time in her life.” - You on the other hand can only be her guide and story teller but can never truly walk in her exact pained and strained footprint of life 

My Reason Why & Life Purpose: Girl Power. Supporting girls in #Malawi to fund for their own education @MoreThanAid 

Connect with me via the following Social Media Platforms: 

Life does not necessarily have to always be picture perfect.

Life does not necessarily always have to be picture perfect 

The challenge and strength of character comes when internal hurt and turmoil hits. 

Question is? 🤔  
▫️Do you run and keep running an endless marathon to nowhere? To only find you are still at the beginning of the race each time? 

▫️Or do you embrace the rainfalls, the waterfalls and storms of life knowing that soon IT - THE PAIN will pass. So will the moments of joy,  pure and utter absolute happiness? 

Often it is so easier reflect on the "Why Me and/or Us, Why Now and the I need a break from it all ( from the feeling of the changing tides of the weather - Life Cycles) 

The amazing life is that "ONE DOES NOT BECOME A HUMAN BEING BY LIVING A PAIN FREE LIFE." There is no hallway pass or break from it all. 

All there is the acceptance that pain and soul healing is part of the process. 

#Foodforthought: Life does not always have to always be picture perfect. Look beyond each and every body in an image and really see through them. When you do you will release they are an entity carrying a SOUL - hosting a multitude of feelings

Why Me, Why Now? 
The truth of the matter is there is never going to be a picture perfect moment and no one has an exemption/hall pass from life.  

The truth is when the good times flood in and shine brighter grab them and Cherish those moments and don't take them for granted knowing that soon blissful moments will soon pass too 

Connect with your soul often - embrace the different tides of life, be AWAKE in each moment in order to deeply learn from the experience in order to grow from it 

Give your soul the opportunity soak in all that life has to often and to cleanse itself often

Post inspired by the matriarch and Agogo of our family. 


My Reason Why & Life Purpose: Girl Power. Supporting girls in #Malawi to fund for their own education @MoreThanAid 

Connect with me via the following Social Media Platforms: