Wednesday 15 February 2017


My mind tends to analyse all sorts of situations, the latest being the U.K. EU Referendum now globally known as BREXIT!!

I will reserve my person views for another day; on how I feel about the outcome of the EU Referendum. Instead, I would like to focus on the emotional impact the process had on most people in the U.K. Also to highlight potential opportunities rather than threats.

This could potentially be the time for millennials and young professionals especially to start considering how to maximise on their existing specialist skills. I refer to this type of response as the unleashing of innate entrepreneurship skills.  

I will expand more on what I mean by innate entrepreneurship skills.

What I have noticed so far, post the EU Referendum!
  • It is evident that the climate and atmosphere in the U.K is changing for various reasons. The current climate can only be described, as an emotional turbulent experience, which has impacted on the mass population, whether it be those who voted to Remain, or Leavers, including the innocent bystanders who were caught up in the game of tag of war between the two camps.
  • As you walk down the streets, it is apparent through observations of some individual's facial expressions how they are currently feeling. Understandably and unquestionably, most people have become sensitised and alert to potential danger. What once felt comfortable is no longer. Nearly everyone has become a suspect, unless if the individual's can associate through process of elimination; i.e. friendly gestures.  For instance, a safety pin now symbolises safety.
  • Some people have expressed, for the first time that they feel completely lost, misplaced, and isolated in a country they once felt safe to live in; where it be immigrants,  'British Citizen's and Nationals.  Visitors on the other hand, are ready to escape onto their next homebound transport, or are more hesitant to visit and would prefer to pick an alternative holiday destination.

  • People with transient tendencies (globe trotters) are already considering which country they jet set off to in order to acquire their next opportunity. For this group of individuals, emotions such as anxiety is a warm welcome. For them it defines, being alive. Driven and ambitious individual welcome anxiety as a new best friend rather than an enemy. 
Either side of the Remain and Leave camps have been emotionally impacted in one way, or another. As a result, we have been united in our own camps in experiencing some/or all of the following emotions:

Anxiety, fear, hopelessness, sadness, despair and paranoia, hysteria.... The list is endless....

It can be very easy to succumb to sadness, depression and feelings of anger. Moreover, is can be easy to become zombified, through the consumption of news from various influencing sources such as political figures, those in leadership positions, media/social media and by social environments.

It is easy to focus gravitate towards a roller coaster of emotions, or to disappear to the land of oblivion;  due to the shock of the absurdity and madness of it all.

Finding meaning and embracing the current reality despite everything that has happened:

What coping mechanisms are available in the current climate? I have considered the following options for myself:
  • Acceptance: The absurd has occurred, the future is and will always be uncertain. My analogy- Ships do sink and it may take them a while to sink. Acceptance for me, means awakening to the fact that an impact has occurred. Rather than sink with the ship,  I choose to swim and fight against the tide. Also with the understanding, that as one is floating away to unknown territory that it is expected there might adverse weather along the way. 
  • Emotions and Choice: There are options of looking at what has occurred and one can CHOOSE to feel about it. Reason being this is an unimaginable event that occurred which is beyond anyone's control. The only thing that one CAN CONTROL, in this situation is how one chooses to respond to what has occurred and is still occurring. 
I know which one I would go for in term in order to protect my well-being- FIGHT MODE!!

FLIGHT MODE!!!   Only represents-NEGATIVE ENERGY for me. For negative energy can lead to unproductive outcomes and stagnation in an endless blame game, whilst the world moves on.

I CHOOSE not to focus on this type of energy.

What do I mean by fight mode?

For me it means TAKING BACK CONTROL OF ONESELF by learning how to slowly let go off the emotional self. The self that is transfixed and glued to each negative impact!!

I appreciate it is not easy especially in the current climate to let go off emotions, during a heightened period of uncertainty. Also, it quiet understandable that more people have experienced first hand emotional and physical abuse from others, as a result more people have been emotional affected as well. So as a nation most of us are united  against any negative impacts.

It is process of cohesion in emotions, as this provides a safety measure, especially during the period of uncertainty.

The Steps I am slowing taking:
  • Daily mantra and practice: emotional healing in order to conserve positive energy. Again for me its about not losing control, to the point of having no will power to control, my destiny and function in society.
Today, I look a deep breath and let go. I imagined all the negative energy slowing being released internally and disappearing into some unknown sphere. I also imagined locking away all the negative energy in a Pandora Box; never to be opened again.

I was left with Control, Freedom and Will Power, and left go of the victimisation of the negative energy.

After being engulfed in a short and breath period of a turbulent rollers coaster now, I am the TAKING CONTROL STAGE. This is the stage I identify with as being the best opportunity for me to focus my energies elsewhere, and into being productive and productive.

I revert back, to my initial point at the beginning. Why Now Is The Best Opportunity to be an Entrepreneur. What I initially referred to as innate entrepreneurship skills:

I believe once in a while we are shaken up for a reason. Shocked into another layer of awakening to ourselves. During there experiences, as much as it is being united with similar people in turbulence matters, it is also about the self; how we deal with and respond to change. 

It is not unusual to see people following each other in the sense of HOPELESSNESS and to feel STUCK in UNCERTAINTY.

Innate Entrepreneurship skills, is being able to unleash the true self that has been dying to get out for years for someone us. The opportunity to utilise and maximise of the skills and passions we are best at.

This type of state of being, can only ultimately produce more positive energy as it also results in adding value in other people's lives.  

Just to clarify, it does not necessary mean giving up  y,our job, or career if that is something that one is interested in. It is also about learning, how one can utilise their skills to the best of their abilities, in order to help others either in their exiting environment or in another environment.

The most rewarding thing, I am told or have experienced is being able to help another human being, especially during our current climate. What I have learnt over the years, is to never take things for granted and to appreciate that I can contribute in some way. That what I have learnt education and career wise can potentially help someone else.

The skills you have right now are valuable to someone else. 

#Sharing Is Caring and a healthier way to live.

The reasons people with entrepreneurship skills thrive during periods of change, is because they accept change and choose to innovative. They plan in advance and are always new seeking opportunities including supporting people who are facing challenges. 

'What is the worst thing that could happen,' is my current motto. I also consider what is more meaningful to me right now, such as:

  • Life is only lived once (as far as I am aware, others may believe otherwise)
  • If one situation does not work, I seek an alternative solution
  • If I am unhappy, I will try as much as possible to change the situation for a better outcome. If I can't change it, it may just mean its time to move on
  • I choose my health/well-being over being miserable for life
  • I chose to gravitate towards and closer to my family, friends, people and communities which add a positive dose of energy and revitalisation. 
  • I empathise with others and expel all the negative energy which could potentially be detrimental to my health.
  • I accept the fact that material things, are of no value and can be taken away, and eventually be replaced.

To-end: Sharing Positive Energy:

I am sending some of my positive energy, to people who have been affected emotionally or physically to no fault of their own. 


  #socialchange  #Better2together #Brexit
#PositiveEnergy #SharingIsCaring #PostEUReferedum #PostEURacism #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #fibrowarriors #chronicpain #millennials #youngprofessionals

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