Tuesday 12 December 2023

Navigating the Unseen Struggles of Fibromyalgia in the Workplace: Beyond the Polished Exterior

Fibromyalgia, akin to the end product of a successful story, presents a polished exterior, concealing the intricate steps taken to reach this state. It's comparable to the unseen manual labor that goes into constructing a new home. On the surface, individuals living with Fibromyalgia might present a polished external appearance. However, what often remains hidden are the unseen challenges and obstacles they encounter.

Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome entails the unseen struggle of completing tasks, often taking longer than usual. It's an ongoing battle to maintain cognitive alertness while combating brain fog, which, at times, results in postponed tasks. Behind the scenes, there's an internal conflict—a sense of guilt for being unable to accomplish basic tasks and the mind's struggle to remain focused amid increased brain impairment from sensory overload. In the midst of engaging in a conversation, what's imperceptible is the person navigating a multitude of internal sensory activities alongside other symptoms while attempting to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Unseen are their efforts to articulate words, maintain focus, and remain engaged despite cognitive challenges. What's often left unspoken are the difficulties individuals face in completing basic tasks and their reluctance to reveal their imperfections or express their embarrassment about their struggles.

The Unseen Realities of Fibromyalgia: Comparing the 'Normal' Perception with Daily Struggles

The perception of looking 'normal' frequently results in a diminished understanding of a 'Fibromyalgia Warrior's challenges. Envision a scenario where both a 'Fibromyalgia Warrior' and a 'Healthy Work Colleague' are assigned identical tasks in an office. The healthy colleague can swiftly commence work without any hindrance, whereas the 'Fibro Warrior,' must carefully consider various factors before initiating the same tasks.

For the 'Fibro Warrior,' simple actions like sitting comfortably, typing, or even gripping a pen become daunting. They grapple with a cascade of physical ailments, from body pain, muscle stiffness to sensory disturbances in their fingers. As they engage in the task with enthusiasm, uncontrollable coldness engulfs their body due to temperature regulation issues, triggering fatigue and cognitive challenges.

Concentration becomes a battleground as chronic fatigue sets in, leading to cognitive impairment, headaches, and sensory overload from the office environment. With additional struggles like bladder issues and stomach pain, completing the task becomes a near-impossible feat. Ultimately, the 'Fibro Warrior' must concede defeat for the day, hoping for a better opportunity to finish the task another day, if physically and mentally possible.

Let's not overlook the sheer physical and mental effort it takes for the 'Fibro Warrior' to commute to and from work, alongside the daily chores while enduring the relentless symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Hence, sustaining employment in a conventional job setting can become unrealistic for a 'Fibro Warrior' due to the demands for consistent time management, attendance, and task completion. Accommodating a person with a disabling condition that presents unpredictable symptoms becomes a challenge for employers. These symptoms can unpredictably trigger, necessitating the individual to take sick leave from work.

It's important to note that not all individuals living with Fibromyalgia are unable to work. People experience varying symptoms and cope differently. Some find alternative self-employment options more suitable. For instance, working from the comfort of their home environment allows them to operate during periods when they experience fewer physical or mental struggles due to their condition.

Some individuals find it challenging to sustain working from home due to the unpredictable nature of their symptoms. They struggle to consistently complete tasks or meet expected results due to their condition's variability.

Returning to the beginning, the story of how long it took a Fibro Warrior to complete a task often ends up hidden. What's usually evident is the finished product and not the laborious struggle behind it. While occasionally their story might be heard or seen, what lingers in memory for others is their polished appearance and completed tasks. Unseen is the agonizing pain, muscle stiffness triggered by simple actions like sitting longer than expected, chronic fatigue, sensory issues, headaches, digestive problems, and cognitive challenges faced to stay focused on tasks. The aim was to complete this article in one sitting, whilst striving to manage despite the brain's limitations and physical aliment challenges.

This encapsulates the daily reality of my life with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, revealing the unseen struggles of living with a chronic illness. 

Learn more about my story, "Diary of A Fibromyalgia Warrior: Unseen Struggles: Navigating Life and Survival with an Invisible Chronic Illness."

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