Saturday, 12 April 2014

Preparing for my Death

Each day I live, I a step closer to death I shift my life towards progression which will eventually end in death Each day I shred a piece of my existence in order to reach a step closer to death I shred my past and my current existence in order to not burden those I will eventually leave behind As I sit here shredding old papers and what can now be symbolised as rubbish which once represent me as an individual, I shred a bit of my existence I shred a piece of me for pastures anew I have the urgency to be, to do and be something and someone today and not tomorrow Each day follows with successions of questioning whether I have achieved enough. What is enough and is there such a thing as being content with life? I am at the peak of life where questioning becomes more prevalent than ever to the point at times living comes to a standstill at its worst becomes obsolete My aims? Aiming to be and become rather than being stuck in the day to day of doing just for the sake of doing I shred a piece of me everyday and each day is a day closer to my death Only and only in reflective moments like these do I appreciate the presence of death Tomorrow I will wake up and become the norm and revert back to the doing for the sake of doing Only my conscious is still exists and is forever pushing me realise that with life comes death My conscious pushes me to realise I am not special and unique to live forever and do not hold a special entitlement The daily battle continues and I continue to embrace life for as long as I have got it I want to win me little by little each day I live

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