Saturday, 4 June 2016

Inherited Narratives of My Ancestors


Have you ever watched the movie, ‘Dancing with the Wolves?’

Have you ever felt as though, you are a walking and talking a narrative that is too familiar and has been stuck with you for many years? An inherited narrative that has made you feel safe, comfortable, challenged you a little bit and made you doubt yourself at times?

Have you ever stopped to check whose inherited narratives you are carrying?

Yesterday, someone challenged me in a positive and constructive way. He asked me, why does hanging onto who I am now, or used to be, matter so much to me? Moreover, why was I fighting so much to let the, Me and I go?

My inherited narrative up to yesterday had been filled with unevaluated, ‘I should’ and musts

I with strong conviction held onto the ‘I should’ & musts, so much so, that at times I felt stuck in the agonizing self-critique dialogue of; “I am a failure in life.”

An unevaluated narrative, for I had never stopped long enough to deeply engage with my inner core and spirit of my raison d'ĂȘtre’ what was leading me to live the life I have been living so far.’

My 'future life' was mapped out, life most of you. Indeed, I had that great future plan; 5-year plan, 10-year plan and so forth. My intangible and imaginative plan looked great in my head and was ahead of me.

There were days, I lay awake dreaming of how I would eventually implement, ‘my plan,’ in the future. How nice is it dream, don’t you think?

Some of my ancestors spoke the same universal dialect (should & must go to school graduate, get a job, marry, settle down have kids and become a grandmother) which partially became embedded in my soul. The self-critique would then verbalise the inherited tick list, as failures with the usual musts and should by such and such a date, then I will be fulfilled

Flash forward today, I no longer visualise a 5-year plan, or 10-year plan for I learnt the hard way that demain n’existe pas.

Reflecting back dreamlike states, visualisations, day dreaming never pushed me closer to actualising my true potential, instead I achieved comfortable distorted goals. It is definitely much easier to sit back, dream and relax when one has a future plan.
Today, I only believe in consciously choosing every decision I make, so that tomorrow, I will wake with, ‘Je ne regrette rein.’

Until yesterday, I thought I had finally figured ma raison d'ĂȘtre, on the contrary
I was constructively challenged yesterday and discovered that my outlook in life in terms of achievements has been based on my self-imposed inherited narratives all along. Redefined based on materialistic achievements.

The feedback I received challenged my internal struggles and endless inherited verbatim beliefs. I had not stopped long enough to question myself what it would be like to just let go off everything that once represented me. FEAR is the first word that came to mind. 

Funny, enough the lifestyle I feared all along is the lifestyle I imagined and dreamt of living
I discovered that it has been much easier to hide behind the great narratives of my ancestors which have been passed onto to me in another layer of realism.  

Now, how could someone a familiar stranger ask me to let go off everything I believed me, that symbolised me?

Even though I had let go off long term plans, and converted to the now plans; I still had my life mapped out in my head and now paper just the way I wanted it to be or so I thought. I had mainly mapped out some distorted form of monetary and materialistic value of what achievement meant; I had invented another story or version of what my ancestors meant.  

My inherited narrative of goals were still painted with unevaluated strong beliefs of ‘I shoulds & must’s.

This is where I felt comfortable, and who wouldn’t? Never did I consider once to step outside of that box of ‘I shouldn’t and must,’ until now

I may have verged on stepping outside that box once or twice in my life, but never felt comfortable enough to completely step outside of that box; and for the first time to look in and be a bystander of my life.

My inherited narrative has been a great dream of, I should have acquired certain things in life, or I should have achieved something by such and such a date’; it’s been a fantastic and intangible dream.  ‘I have been the walking and talking infomercial of my ancestors, my grandparents, my family and family friends

How could not I be, as that is what I have mostly been surrounded by and moulded by.
In being and adopting the said ‘narratives,’ I stopped myself from truly living and in actualising who I can potentially be.

What I am learning is that inherited values are valuable lessons and one’s to be treasured, that in order to truly live the life I was intended to live, I should push the boat out even further and way beyond my ancestor’s narratives.

What fun would my or your history be, if those who follow after us say, “well she/or he lived just like their ancestors.” But what does that actually say about me or you, as individuals and as a contributor in society?

Wouldn’t it be rather more amazing to travel the road less travelled? To be in environments that are unsafe and challenging?

I am learning that I was only mirroring inherited beliefs through somebody’s else’s eyes, achievements and narratives. That my ancestors, grandparents and parents were/are innovators, self-starters and creators in their own-rights. They left their named imprinted foot marks on our planet way before I even existed.  

That they span me their historical tune which I played to and danced to like in ‘Dancing with Wolves’ and held on with pride for years; the lessons of ‘musts’ and should’.  The moral of the story based on my own perspective of ‘Dancing with Wolves,’ is that Kevin Costner (main character of the movie) stepped out of his comfort zone, challenged his inherited narrative’s and learnt how to live another way, the Sioux way which added more value and meaning to his life. 

If I had been listening hard enough. My ancestor’s true narratives would playout as follows:

  • Learn from our lessons, of how hard life was like for us and how we overcame hardships and barriers in life.  
  • Learn from our successes and not from our failures
  • We have paved the way for you, in order to make your life just a little bit easier, in order for you to achieve much greater and for the greater good
  • We left this world without any of our monetary, or materialist achievements.

Lessons learnt so far:
  • By mirroring inherited narrative’s, one can become complacent and too comfortable with life
  •  Inherited narratives are safer than facing up to one’s true potential
  • FEAR, is what stops us from truly actualising our true potential; is it easier to see achievements in materialistic form, rather than seeing ourselves (the me or I, as solely the achiever or successor).
  • Giving and adding value in another person’s life, does not need to come in the shape of materialistic or momentary value

The answer to the familiar strangers question by the way, I concluded was FEAR. 

Fear and my inherited subconscious narratives made me feel secure, like a baby's blanket.

Now I have no choice, and have be pushed to let go at no feel free will. I now longer have a comfy cushion to safely boost me into the land of the unknown. I am now confronted face to face with my FEAR and to living in the NOW. For, demain n'existe plus pour moi’

That indeed is the challenge in life, throwing oneself in the dark without a moral compass, only to resurface as an innovator, a creator and as an entrepreneur. This is the when one can actually, truly start living and be in the position to give back in abundance and add value in other people’s lives’ today and for future generations.

 Thinking of the loss today of a loved Young Malawi Man
May Your Soul Rest in Eternal Peace

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